CHAPTER 2: Monster in human disguise

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           It had been six years since her first encounter with villains. Everything went on as typical as usual. Kazuko sometimes stood up against Izuku's bullier at school, Katsuki Bakugou, but she kept her cool for six years.

The year was their last year in primary school. As the 14-year-olds were choosing their high schools, some girl got ahold of Kazuko's paper and screeched, catching the class's attention.

"Oh my! Kazuko-san wants to be in U.A.?!" 

"Really?!" There were little gasps and whispering chatters across the small classroom. Just about time, the homeroom teacher walked in. Although the class went silent in his earshot, he pretended he didn't hear what they were talking about.

He went to his desk, inhaled, and started to speak. 

"So, as third-year students, I suggest it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives." His eyes scanned the class, "I could pass out some career aptitude, but why bother that? I know you all want to go the Hero Track!"

"Yeah!" cheered his class at the thought of themselves becoming heroes. The over-excited kids even showed off their quirks a little to show their teacher that they're capable of becoming heroes. 

"Yes, you've got some very impressive quirks, but get ahold of yourselves." He said, a bit stern in hopes of calming his class down. Just then a voice from the students' seats caught his attention.

"Hey, teach..." It was Katsuki who spoke. "Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers. I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister. Haha!"

Kazuko and Izuku could only look at each other and shook their heads at the words of the arrogant blonde boy. The silver-blue-haired girl collapsed on her desk, laying her head in the nest of her arms, trying not to be bothered by the noises made by some certain imbeciles.

The acceptance rate of 0.2% huh... Impossible to get in huh... She thought amidst her dozing out after some of their words slipped past her blocked ears. She was thinking of a strategy to do the practical exam without harming other examinees, how about using Devourer...? That would take a bit longer than Universal Shapeshift... Hm-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a mention of her name, "Teacher! Kazuko-san also wants to go to U.A.!" It was the girl who yanked her little scrap piece of paper for scheming from before. 

The class went silent, as there was a rumor by which, a girl wearing their school uniform was seen by some local folks, doing some magic and had an oversized villain erased from existence. There was even a version that described the girl quite similarly to Kazuko. If that particular rumor was true, then the chance of her going to U.A. would be as far as 95%. Complete silence embraced the room, some kids and even the teacher had this expression. It was a mixture of both thoughtfulness and minor terror. 

No one had the intention of shifting for a whole 5 minutes before Katsuki spoke up, "Oh yeah, Midoriya, don't you wanna go to U.A too?"

Laughter immediately followed his words. The class howled as the poor boy cowered. Kazuko glanced at him, concerned.

"Midoriya, you're kidding, right? There's no way of getting into the Hero Course without a quirk!"The words and the laughing were getting onto Kazuko's nerves. But before she could open her mouth to protest, Izuku spoke up for himself.

"Well... actually they got rid of that rule..." He shyly spoke and cowered even more as the others stared at him weirdly, "I could be the first one."

And right before someone could react, Katsuki had already said something in response.

"Listen up, Deku," He growled, "You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you quirk-less wannabe. Do you really think that they'll let someone like you in when they could have me?"

Journey no.1: World of QuirksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant