CHAPTER 3: Before the raging roar

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           "So it was you?" Izuku asked his companion as they went home from the disintegrating crowd, "Who was floating above with wings, who put an end to the villain with just a flick of your hand?"

"Yeah, it was me floating upon your heads but," Kazuko sighed, "It was more like All Might who put an end to that villain and caused an unexpected rain."

"I never knew you had wings..." Izuku was staring at her with great awe in his eyes, "Those wings are so beautiful in a way... You still have something to go with even though you're quirkless... Unlike me..."

"Hey, at least you got to meet All Might in real life today, right?" Kazuko laughed awkwardly, patting her friend's back lightly, "You even got his signature, right?"

Izuku sighed and smiled sadly. 

"Huh, someone's coming this way..."

"What? How-" Before Izuku could utter another word, a loud thumping noise had cut him mid-sentence, along with a familiar voice.


"Kacchan?" Izuku gasped, shooting Kazuko a look of shock. She pretended like she hadn't seen that look and stepped aside.

"Listen... you extras..." The spiky-haired boy said between pants, "I would never ask for a weakling like you to help me-" He said, gesturing to Izuku.

"Don't think you can look down on me. Huh? Got that? I was fine by myself. You're just a Quirkless failure who won't even cut it as a rent‐a‐cop. You didn't help me. You did nothing," He said harshly, "Don't forget it. I don't owe you anything!"

"And you!" He turned towards Kazuko who was trying to mind her own business, "The hell's that quirk?! And how did the villain die?! You owe me an explanation for that some time!"

"Whoa," Kazuko said, seeing Katsuki stomping away without a farewell, "Harsh guy huh-"

"But I'm sure he doesn't mean anything bad," Izuku smiled a small smile, "I mean, he was right after all..."

"Surely he doesn't, but that's a bit too harsh, I guess... Also... didn't All Might run out of hero time earlier? I mean he's heading this way-" She said, looking at the path on their left-hand side, confusing her companion. 


"All Might!" Izuku screamed, startled, "Where'd you come from?! And how'd you get rid of those reporters?!"

The bulky man roared in laughter, "I stand for justice! Not soundbites! Because I- I am All Mi-" 

Izuku screamed as the man coughed violently. After his coughing fit, All Might cleared his throat, "Young man, I came here to thank you, and also to discuss your question from earlier."

"Excuse me-"

"No. You stay and listen."

The awkward silence enveloped the three as the last streaks of afternoon light illuminated them. Izuku looked puzzled.

"If you hadn't told me about your life... if you hadn't run into that fight..." The thin man in a white shirt and baggy pants said, "... I would've been a worthless bystander, watching from the crowd. So thanks."

"Oh no..." Izuku detested, "I got in the way of your hard work... I wasted your energy... And... not to mention, your time." At that moment, Kazuko noticed the boy had tears swelling in his eyes.

"I'm not done," The hero said seriously, "You told me you didn't have a power, so when I saw this timid, quirkless boy trying to save a life, it inspired me to act as well."

Journey no.1: World of QuirksHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin