Chapter 2

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I woke up early today so I could get ready for school in time. I took a shower and I washed my hair so it can go back to its curly form again then I put lotion on my body. I wore a red dress that showed a quarter of my thighs and black ankle high heel boots. I tied my hair in a neat bun and took my stuff and went downstairs. I walked upstairs again and brushed my teeth.

I walked downstairs and took my stuff and checked if the door was locked and it was so I walked to the basement and into the garage and then I got into my car.

I arrived at school at 09:00 so I had Biology first today so I got my Biology stuff and put them into my bag. I went outside the school and sat on the bench. Leo and his friends arrived 15mins later and Leo came to seat besides me.

"Hey," He said.

I ignored him as if he was not even here.

"You're still mad that I didn't ask you on a date like you were a princess and I was your knight and shining armour?" He said.

"I'm not mad, it's just that if you really wanted to ask me out, you should have asked me properly, not like I'm one of your sluts that you probably always go sleeping around with," I said as I got up and left. I walked to class and sat next to a window in the second last row.

Xavier walked in and sat next to me.

"Hey, how you doing?" He asked me as he took out his stuff.

"I'm good thanks and you," I asked too.

"I'm good, so"

"Amelia arrived?" I asked cutting him off.

"Yes," He said.

"No she hasn't arrived yet," I said.

A few minutes later, the class filled up and the lesson started. After 1 hour, the lesson ended and it was time for Maths and we had double maths today. After 2 hours it was time for lunch and when I walked up to my locker, the hallway was empty. I walked through the cafeteria doors and found Leo kneeling on our table with a bouquet of tulip flowers and a box of chocolates.

"Zoey, I know that I asked you the wrong way to go on a date with me, I treated you like you were one of cheerleaders but you're different. You're kind, sweet and smart and that's why I am asking you if you could please go on a date with me on Saturday?" Leo said while walking up to me.

When he finished talking, I heard the cheerleaders gasp.

"Well................................fine I'll go on a date with you," I said and Leo picked me up and spun me around. He put me down and kissed my left chick.

We sat down and ate lunch together. After an hour the bell rang and it was time to go to the next lesson which was consumer studies. Before I went to class I walked up to Amelia.

"I didn't see you today in Biology, what happened?" I asked.

"There was emergency at home...yeah," She said but I could tell that she was lying but I decided to leave it like that.

"Okay," I said and walked to class.

Today our teacher gave us an assignment to make our cakes look like our faces! I wanted to make sure that my cake was beautiful just like me the teacher paired us with a partner. I got paired up with Liam.

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