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Lily Moore was literally jumping through the halls on how happy she is, after what happened at lunch her owl swoop in the hall bearing a letter from her parents

Oh how she missed the two loveliest people in the world, although they were not related by blood they are what each other needed

Lily was adopted by them when she was 7, she was a scrawny little orphan scavenging for food in the trash near a church when the kind couple found her

After that they have taken her in with no question and give her everything they have including their heart and love

She smiled as she remember memories of them, the smell of her mama's famous lasagna on the oven or the singing of papa when he is making coffee, the fields with wild sunflowers growing that surrounds the small house they have

Preoccupied with the happy memories she was reliving, she bump into someone causing the both of them to fall to the ground, yelping by the sudden crash she looked up to see Lily Evans

"I'm so sorry, are you alright Lils?" She asked scrambling to pick up Lily's books and parchment on the ground

Hurrying to help her "Yeah i'm fine Anne, thank you." Lily said accepting the parchments she picked up with a warm smile on her lips which the Moore girl recepricated

Just then James the narcissist Potter came running making a beeline to both Lily, hair messy as always and his eyes on the Evans girl

"Hello my Lilypad, wanna go to class together?" Smiling so big you would reckon his jaw would fall off, Evans give him a blank stare the bright smile she gave the Moore girl gone replaced by a frown looking so done about the situation

"Merlin, Potter your jaw might fall?" The Moore girl said shaking her head from the Potter's antics

"Oh you're here." Looking at her like she was the most uninteresting person in the world

"Now i'm not." She said proceeding to walk the opposite direction of the two sending an apologetic smile to Lily, oblivious that the letter from her parents is on the ground where she crashed just a minute ago


James Potter would say he's every girls dream man, charming check, handsome check, funny check, good at quidditch check, he would argue to people saying he's perfect in any way which his friends will roll their eyes at and tell him he need to humble down a bit to which he'll feign ignorance at their words

Walking to the Quidditch pitch he saw the red shimmering hair of a particular girl he have been pining for years, excited to get to talk or interact with the lovely Lily he jog his way to her

It was wonderful or maybe fate, destiny seeing her there, smiling with twinkling eyes for it to be ruined by the evil Moore speaking

Although the Potter boy only paid the Moore girl a minute of his attention he can't help but notice her being so merry which was weird because she was never like that around him

The Moore girl did not stay too long giving him a chance to have time with his Lily-flower, "We meeting here was fate my Lily" He dramatically said winking at the girl who groaned annoyed

"For Merlin's sake Potter! Leave me alone" Lily exclaimed as she gritted her teeth in annoyance, Leaving the boy to stand in the middle of the hall

"She hates me, she really hates me." He muttered to himself, walking to the direction of the Quidditch pitch when he spot a unopened letter on the floor where Lily stood

Lightening up he picked up the letter thinking it was Lily's, so he could have and excuse to come to her and be the hero when he sees he's the one to give the probably important letter of her's

Unaware it was in fact not Lily Evans', for the owner of the letter was Lily Anne Moore

Meet Me in The Pale Moonlight - James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now