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The two worked wordlessly for two hours in cleaning pots,except for the occasional bickering on who should clean that or this which stopped for they know they have work to be done

After the two hour mark though things between the two got a little bit out of hand

"Oi excuse me but don't you think i have cleaned more pots than you, you're so slow for Merlin's sake." James said clearly irritated by the fact that he did all the work

"Potter what are you talking about i cleaned half of the pots here you cheeky arse, and I'm slower because i clean it better than you." She said in return annoyed that he would say that

"Are you absolutely mental, look at my pile it's more pots than yours." James said pointing at the pile of pots he cleaned on his side

"Can you not count Potter? It is clearly not more than mine, so stupid really wow I'm flabbergasted." Lily Anne said through gritted teeth now viens popping out of her forehead

"Of course i can count don't ask such daft questions, and you look like an angry squirrel." He continued angryly

"You absolute git." She said while throwing a stirring rod into James face and hit bullseye

"Bloody wanker, that hurts." He muttered and to retaliate he threw a sponge at Lily Anne which didn't hit her face

"That's for calling me a squirrel you git." She whisper-yelled

"And here i thought you two would get along" professor Minerva said a disapproving look on her face once she saw her two students bickering and throwing stuff at each other " You two are dismissed i sure hope to see you again tomorrow same time."

The two rushed out the door bickering who should go out the door first while the professor watches it with a smile on her lips


"That was the most horrible hour of my life, I can't do that again tomorrow I'll probably die of something stupid he'll say again, i mean why does he have to be so arrogant and insensitive all the time, calling me a squirrel is the most rude thing to say to a woman who clearly have insecure about her cheeks." Lily Anne blabbering about what happened in detention to her friends

"Well i happen to think your cheeks are adorable." Evie said enthusiastically

"Yeah and i know you can do it just ignore him all the time." Tim added

"I sure hope i can ignore pothead, his bloody annoying me even if it's just simple things." Lily Anne said throwing her hands up in frustration "Plus i still haven't found my letter and my frustration is building up."

"Oh well try and look for your missing letter." Tim said her expression as dim as Lily is

"But, for now why don't we go throw rocks and have a little picnic near the black lake." Evie said hoping to light her friends mood up and that she did Lily Anne smiled at her friends indicating she wants to do that

So the trio collected some stuff for a picnic and headed off to the black lake to set up their things

Tim sits at the picnic blanket reading a book while eating some potato chips Lily Anne brought with them from the muggle shops, sitting across to him Evie pretending to be busy writing an essay when she is actually secretly sneaking glances at Tim and then there's Lily Anne on the edge of black lake throwing stones to relieve her anger and frustration

"She really needs to learn to get along with Potter, that's where she gets her stress from." Tim whispered at Evie not bothering to glance away from the book his reading

"Yeah, but you know how it is, they just dont get along since the fire on the hair accident, plus Potter's really annoying so i get why she doesn't like him." Evie whispered back now giving Tim her full attention

"He isn't that bad Eve, i sit next to him in Transfiguration and his nice and all." Tim said casually still reading his book

"From what i hear i think you got a crush on him." Evie said teasingly "And you're not the one who gets pranks everyday or get bullied, it's your friend Lily Anne." Evie now said seriously

Tim stops reading and stares at Evie which made Evie's heart go wild "You're right, but you really need to stop sneaking glances at me Eve." Tim said teasingly, Evie's eyes went wide "I-i didn't sneak glances what are you talking about?" She stammers, Tim chuckles and went back to reading like nothing happened

Evie eyed Tim up and down shocked at what he said, then she decided to walk off to Lily to hide her red embarrassed face from Tim

"You feeling better?" She asked Lily

"Yeah thanks for understanding me Evie, i am frustrated about everything but at least now i feel much more better" Lily Anne smiled at her friend "Hey why is your face red?" Lily asked noticing the redness on her friend's face

"Oh..ah..its..its cold, you know December, shall we go back the dorms." Evie stammers again

Lily Anne raised her brows smiling her eyes moved to Tim then to Evie, She grinned sheepishly knowing what prompted Evie to be so red but stop herself from teasing her friend more so she nodded "Yeah let's go back it's warmer there."

The three gathered their things ending their little picnic, Tim having a different way to his dorms parted from them halfway  then in no time the girls found their dorms  and the two snuggles in their warm bed and  blankets feeling a bit less more sour on the events earlier that day

It was now eleven in the evening the whole dorm room is quiet just the occasional hooting of owls and the snoring of the other girls, but Lily Anne was wide awake thinking that she should go down the common room to read and then maybe she'll get to sleep

That was what she did she crawled out of her bed, grab a novel in her night stand, slip through the stairs, sit on the most comfiest chair she know, opened the novel, but just to find a letter saying someone was waiting for her wanting to meet in the pale moonlight

Meet Me in The Pale Moonlight - James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now