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At first she was confused about the letter but then she remember about it the other night she had completely forgotten about it since she got a horrible detention

She read it thrice, going to the Whomping willow at this time of the night would be like signing a death contract, it would be dangerous the tree would attack the bloody hell out of her, the lurking professor and head boy and girl or prefects running around every corridor would be a worse nightmare 'So why am i sneaking around like a criminal just to go to that tree?'

She was curious to see who it was from, probably from the Pettigrew kid but curiosity got her, she'll just sneak out and hide to see if his group of friends are pranking her again then sneak back in 'Easy peasy' 

Sneaking past the corridor and hallways with the letter in hand all were empty, she thought to herself she was very lucky. Lucky to not get caught by a professor or prefects. Lucky she didn't get lost the dark and long corridors, but she made it to the Whomping willow tree, she easily sneaks herself to a bush where she hid to see who this person is

In the distance she heard footsteps 'they must be coming' curiosity driven she focused herself to the footsteps, that is when she saw a silhouette of a tall guy his back facing her seemingly watching his watch likely waiting for her to arrive 'he must not be Pettigrew then since his not that tall'

Her options are, one to go and reveal herself to the letter guy or two stay under the bushes and observe what happens, preferably know who the letter guy is

She'd be mental if she chose option one, so she stayed in the safety of the bushes although her thighs and arms are itching from the leaves and twigs it touches, why did she have to think this was a great idea, she should be in bed or reading not in a bush trying not to get caught

But that was her curiosity driving her at the moment plus going on an adventure at midnight was hard to pass

Observing the guy from the bush he looks like someone she knows but she couldn't point it out, he looks to be overly excitedly waiting for her which is quite odd because she haven't got a lot of acquaintance and friends, although she may suspect it is another prank from the pothead friends and it is highly possible

'how long it he gonna take, can't he just go back inside now?' she thought to herself, she had been probably here more than 30 minutes and the itching is spreading, it has become unbearable she just wants to scream, shuffling around to get the itch that was irritating her skin did not help it leaves red-red marks into her skin

Then her LUCK wore out when she was shuffling around she fell out of the bush making an big thud sound with a loud groan in pain ' brilliant now I'm screwed'


The absolute wait was killing him he dreaded to know if her Lily flower would show up or not, but how can she not show up it's him how can she resist

He was checking the basket full of treats he brought with him to impress Lliy with it when a thud from behind him startled him, circling around to see what it was probably a branch from the tree

That is when he saq her sprawled out near a bush groaning in the ground full of red rash everywhere on her pale skin, here he saw the wrong Lily with the letter he wrote to ask his Lilypad to meet crumpled in her hands, so many questions shoots through his mind but all he could ask was "What are you doing here?"

"The letter." she said loud enough for him to hear, confused he asked "What? Why is the letter in your hands? Did you steal it from my Lily flower?" Looking down at the visibly uncomfortable Moore scratching her skin still sprawled out on the ground the rash looks severe and she looks like she would pass out from it

"Pettigrew. He gave it to me." Mumbles Lily for she feels sick and her skin felt sore and blisters are seen on it

"What he gave...wait are you okay? Why are you red?" He asked now more alarmed when he saw her rashes puffing

"Probably no." That was the last thing she said then she fainted looking like a puffer fish in front of James Potter what could be more embarrassing

The only thing that James was "Oh bloody hell Godric help me." Then he panicked seeing an unconscious Lily Anne in front of him what should he do

He scooped Lily up and made his way up the hospital wing not bothering to stop when he saw a prefect down a hallway he must get through "Oi that's a minus points to your house! Go back to your dorms" Shouted the prefect running after him but he didn't stop he kept going while the prefect stopped following for James was faster plus knowing the way to the infirmary like the back of his hands helps

The second he arrives at the hospital wing he did not hesitate to put Lily down on a bed gently and called madam Pomfrey for help

He told her he didn't know what caused it, he just saw her in the bushes already red from the scratches, madam Pomfrey did not question further and decided to study the Moore girl to see what happened so she sent James out of the hospital wing to go back to the dorms carrying a crumpled up letter from Lily Anne Moore's hand

Meet Me in The Pale Moonlight - James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now