3. Midnight Pickup

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Content Warning:
Drug Use/Mention

"Welcome to the party house." You say sarcasticlly.
Robin and Steve follow you into your home looking around for a second before speaking.
"You know (Y/N), I didn't peg you for a metal fan but this explains a lot." Steve says snarkily.
You smile back at him before settling on the couch and proping your black Doc Martens onto the coffee table.
"Didn't peg me a metal fan? Look at my get-up Steve. I'm basically the poster child for the genre." You say before remembering your previous conversation. "Hey speaking of... Do you have this 'Eddie' dudes number? I can go pick up really quick and you guys can stay here if you'd like."
Robin, who has sat herself on the couch, looks from you to Steve.
"I don't, but I know someone who might. You got a phone?" Steve walks toward the middle of the living room, waiting for some direction from you. Before you can reply to him he spots your light green landline mounted on the wall. He walks over to it, dials a number and waits.
"Does he always act like he's on a life or death mission?" You say, smirking into your words.
"Yep." Robin replies quickly, as if that same question had been asked too many times before.

"Henderson!... Yeah yeah yeah, I know its late. Listen, do you know Munson's number?" Steve paused for a short while before starting up again. You and Robin watch him speak in silence, waiting for an answer.
"No dude it's not like that, it's for... a friend of his?" He looks to you and shrugs, obviously making something up to get the digits.
"You do? Okay uh.. hold please." Steve frantically looks to you and gestures a writing motion with his hand. You get up and run into the kitchen, grabbing a pen and paper and slapping it into his hands. Steve starts writing the number after giving the person in the phone the 'go-ahead'. He says thanks and slams the phone back onto the receiver glancing over to you and Robin.
"Looks like we're in business. You're up." Steve smiles while waving the piece of paper with the phone number on it. He steps away from the phone as you stand, walking towards the phone and taking the phone number from Steve. You pick up the phone, dial the number and wait.
ring ring ring
"Munson speaking. If this is the Avon lady again I don't want any."
You pause for just a moment before replying.
"Hi, I'm a friend of... Hendersons and I heard you sell? Can I pick up?"
Only name-dropping to secure a spot with Eddie, you pause and look back at Steve and Robin. They both have their head in their hands as if you fucked up by mentioning the guy.
"Henderson you say?" Eddie pauses for just a moment. "I don't sell to kids, sorry."
You panic for a second, thinking you already messed up your chances to grab weed in town.
"WAIT. I'm sorry, I actually have no idea who that is. He's a friend of a friend and I'm new to town and need a hook-up. I have cash and can come to you." Pausing only to take a breath, you continue. "I'm 19, I swear."
Through the phone you hear Eddie laugh a bit then pause, you can tell he's thinking to himself.
"Listen, I'll give you a place to meet me but you better be quick. I was about to leave the house. Meet me at the picnic table behind the football field in ten."
"Wha-" You start to speak but he already hung up his side of the line. You pause before looking over to Robin and Steve sitting on the couch.
"You guys know of a picnic table behind a football field?"
They look at eachother, smile, and look back to you.

Robin and Steve decided to tag along on your journey, 'just to make sure you don't get kidnapped or murdered, but also for directions to the High School. ' according to Robin. You park and step out of the car, leaning down and looking at the two.
"If i'm not back in 20 minutes, come looking for me."
You say. You weren't nervous before but with Robin and Steve in your ears about 'The Freak' rumors, now you're second guessing.
"Will do." Steve throws up a thumbs up.
"You got it, no worries, take on a satanic worshipper. It's not the weirdest thing we've done." Robin says. She leans back in her seat while you close your door.
Walking across the parking lot, you come to a chain link fence that separates the front of the school and the football field. Walking through the opening, you start to think if this is a bad idea or not. You don't know this guy, what if he IS crazy like everyone says? Not to mention you're meeting him in a wooded area at night. You take a second to breathe before realizing you've already walked across the football field and into the treeline. Looking around for a second you get a feeling of uneasiness cover your body like a layer of heavy soot, peppering your arms and legs with goosebumps. You start to shake but trek on.
You come to a clearing and see a picnic table but no one is there. You think to yourself.
It's definitely been longer than 10 minutes, he should be here by now.
Suddenly a twig behind you snaps. You spin around and see a figure you don't recognize. You gasp and stumble backwards, nearly falling to the ground.
"Woah, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The figure steps into the moonlight a bit, it's the man from the diner. He's roughly 6'0" in height and is rocking a Slash haircut. You're slightly out of breath from being scared but now youre heart is only racing because this dude is hotter close up.
"No no, its okay. I've just never been out here before." You say slowly. You take a couple steps back and turn, walking to the wooden table and sitting. Eddie follows and sits across from you.
"I'm assuming you know how this works?" Eddie says, his eyebrow cocks up a bit.
"Yeah, I'm just looking for a couple grams for now. I'm sure i'll call you up during the day next time so this isn't so inconvenient for you. Anyways, so how much?"
Eddie stares at you while you speak, a slight grin on his lips. It's almost intoxicating to watch him look at you. Eddie smiles wider now.
"No worries, I can do $10 for 2 grams... That work for you?" Eddie pulls up a old looking lunch box and sets it on the table; Flipping the lid open, he grabs a small baggie of pot and tosses it over to you nonchalantly.
"Yeah that works." You smile and hand him a $10 bill. You lift the baggie to your nose and give the weed a quick inhale before slipping it into your pocket. You attempt to rise out of your seat, not wanting to inconvenience him anymore.
"Wait, so you're new to town right?" Eddie says, his voice and demeanor are so different in person than over the phone. He seems sweet and genuinely interested.
"Yeah, I just moved from Indianapolis." You say, sitting back down completely.
"Oh? Got tired of the big city and out of everywhere to move you chose Hawkins? Seems like an odd choice to me." Eddie smiles into his words "Everyone I know is dying to get the hell out of dodge if i'm being honest."
You laugh softly and reply.
"Well I hated it there, and even though I've only been here a few days it's been a nice change of pace"
You look down at the table and start counting the lines in the wood. Although Eddie is nice you're ready to get back home. You start again.
"Listen, I should probably get back but I'm sure we will talk again. I know you said you had somewhere to be."
Eddie's face drops, realizing he forgot about his friends. He gets up from the table clumsily, nearly falling over. Once he regains his balance he looks to you. "What did you say your name was?" He blurts out awkwardly.

"It's (y/n). I'll call in a few days for a re-up. Thanks again!" You say, already walking away.

"Yeah! I'll talk to you soon (Y/N)!"

Getting back to your car, you open the door to Steve and Robin looking at you with extreme concern. They immediately ask what happened and why you took so long. You reply.

"Eddie Munson is not a freak. If anything, he is the nerdiest metalhead i've EVER met."

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