6. The Caregivers Guide to Seducing Someone

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Content Warning:

Smut (Quick note, I use some ambiguous vocab to keep the readers gender neutral. just a warning.))


It's been four days since Eddie unofficially moved in to your house since the bar fight. The hospital refused to let you leave after realizing you and Eddie weren't a couple and that you lived alone. 'You need someone to watch your head.' Said one of the nurses. Eddie took their instructions to heart and offered to come by every once in a while to check up on you but instead fell asleep on your couch the first night and has been there ever since. He said he was just worried if he left you would randomly just die, which you told him was unlikely.

You walk into the kitchen from your bedroom and see Ed yet again asleep on the couch, his shirt lazily tossed over your coffee table and legs hanging over the arm of the couch. Normally, seeing Munson shirtless would make your heart drop, but this is a scene you have walked out to multiple times at this point. He hears your footsteps and lifts his head up.

"Surprise, I'm still here, your majesty! How are you feeling?" His voice is over the top and jokey. He gets up and grabs his shirt, about to put it on.

"Eddie do not put that shirt back on, you smell and should probably shower." You smile at him, only slightly joking. He makes a hurt face, holding his hand over is heart as if it broke.

"You're breaking my heart (Y/N)." He pauses for a moment before looking you over. "You should probably shower too."

"I can't get my head wet.. or my ear actually, the nurses said so. What kind of caregiver are you that you can't follow basic instruction?" You say hurriedly. The staples in your head from it hitting the floor still hurt, like, a lot. Your ear, now mostly healed, doesn't bug you nearly as much.

"If you trust me to I can wash your hair..." Eddie's voice trails off, realizing was he just insinuated. "Actually sorry, forget I said that I didn't mean-"

"Please?" You say hurriedly, although you are flustered about the idea of being nude in front of Eddie you really really  need to bathe.


"You can come in now." You speak to the door. Eddie opens the door and enters, his eyes darting from the floor to the shower curtain as if he'd see your body and burn up in flames.

"Okay, tell me when you need help." He says over the running shower. He stands just beyond the tub, nervously playing with his rings and waiting for your 'okay'

"Okay, you can help now. Just don't stare too much please." You say as you pull back the curtain a bit. You look at him softly, covering your bits so he doesn't immediately see anything. You sit down in the tub facing away from him while the shower still runs. Eddie's face turns a soft pink once you are in view. 

"Uhh.. Okay lets do this." He mumbles to himself, grabbing your shampoo. He runs his fingers along your head until he finds the staples. This causes you to wince in pain, it feels extremely bruised. 

"Sorry.." His voice falters for a moment. "I'm so sorry this happened." He leans his head down and kisses the back of your head softly. Your heart starts to race, you can't take much more of this...

"Do you remember the bathroom?" You say abruptly, Eddie pauses before reaching for the wet rag for your hair. 

"Yeah I do, and before you start asking all these questions. Yes, I was shitfaced. No, I don't regret it." Eddie lightly pushes and pulls your hair with the rag, meticulously cleaning your hair. You turn to him and he lifts his hands away from your head.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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