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Eyes fluttering open sounds of the alarm systems going off, the hotel room fire alarm was going off. 'What's going on !?' She thought throwing the covers off. She threw her hoody on then she half ran to the hotel rooms door her ears ringing. Demon bursted through the door dressed in his tactical suit and bulletproof vest his skull mask staring down at her, assault rifle in hand she wide eyed him. "WHATS GOING ON!?" she shouted over the blaring alarms. Demon grabbed her wrists as she stumbled to put her sneakers on. "We need to leave.. NOW!" She walked fast along his side as he pulled her into the hallway. Priyas blue eyes stared down the hall as they both made their way to Alex and Kai's room. She covered her ears as they past each alarm slowly yet carefully walking down the hallway. "KAIII!" demon shouted pounding on their door. The door flung open in seconds as Kai was now dressed in his tactical suit as well along with him pulling his goggles on. Behind Kai Alex bolted to priyas side scared and shaken. Priya swallowed the lump in her throat following the two boys who held their assault rifles up and in symbolic motioning towards the exit door at the end of the hall. As the boys come across the last corner of another hallway three zombies slammed against the wall turning the corner towards them, blocking the way to the exit stairs. BANG BANG BANG!! Their rifles went off as the zombies laid dead on the floor after they tried charging at them. "GET THE GIRLS TO THE BASEMENT DR JONES WILL BE THERE!" demon shouted over the alarms to Kai, he then turned down the hall the zombies came from. "Wait where ARE.. WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!" Priya shouted to him shakened from the situation not knowing what was going on. Demon glanced over his shoulder at her, "JUST GO WITH KAI!" He replied shouting. Priya furrowed her eyebrows in confusion then continued to follow Kai to the exit to get to the basement whilst clinging to Alex's arm. "I'm scared.." Alex stuttered in priyas ear. Priya gulped, "yeah me too.." she replied.

Demon continued down the hallway towards Joseph's door and shot the door slamming it open with his foot after the door knob fell to the floor with a thud. Staring through the holes of his mask he scanned the room."JOSEPH!?" He shouted. Down the hall came Joseph from the bathroom. He pulled his mask over his face and lifted his pistol pointing it behind demon, Bang!! The sound echoed in demons ear making him flinch the slightest, a dead zombie fell to the floor behind him. Demons eyes never leaving Joseph's. "We need to get everyone out now! They've infiltrated the building." Joseph grabbed his backpack then reloaded his gun. Demon sighed." WHATS happening?!" He growled pointing his gun towards Joseph. "Well I can see you still don't trust me. " Joseph walked past him pushing the rifle towards the floor out of his face, "there's no time to explain let's get THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!" Demon nodded in response to Joseph following behind him out the hotel room. Joseph reloaded his pistol.

"Dr.jones?" Priya called our as she entered the basement along with kai, with Alex still clinging to her arm. Alex stayed silent scared of what was happening. Dr jones came from a door that led into another lab room, she walked fast over to the three of them panting, "the king is here and he's coming for you priya.. for your blood do not let him get you please your our last hope..there's not a lot of time we need to get you and everyone out of here." She placed three glass tubes filled with green liquid in priyas palm after gripping her hand. "Get the hell out of here I'll hold them off keep these safe you'll know when the right time to use these.. You and demon are humanitys last hope!!" With that dr.jones suddenly vanished in full speed she was up the stairs where they came from. "Wait!" Priya shouted after a split second of the woman vanishing. Kai scanned the room for any zombies then turned to the girls."I don't know what that is but hand them over." Kai held his hand out while holding his rifle at his side with his other hand. His eyes glared through his mask towards priya who gave the same stare back, "first of all she told me to hold onto them and keep them safe okay not you!" Priya pushed his hand away, Alex stared at Kai in silence. Kai silently stared at priya then down at the green liquid filled tubes. "Whatever I'll let demon deal with you.." Kai turned pointing his rifle towards the opposite side of the room towards a red door that had a red exit sign on it. The girls stood behind Kai scared of his sudden movement. "Put that gun down idiot." Demon shouted over the alarm systems as he bursted through it. He made his way over to the three with Joseph behind him. "WHATS going on demon?"

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