Chapter 8

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Elsa POV

???: but you promised you promised *sniff*

Elsa: hi my names Elsa are you ok?

The girl with bright red hair and blue eyes looked up at me with a tear stained face.

Ariel: oh I'm sorry my names Ariel

I crouched down and sat next to her.

Elsa: are you ok?

Ariel: ya I'm ok! Isn't that what you want me to say?

She glared at me but then her expression softened.

Ariel: I'm so sorry I'm just still getting over the fact that my Boyfriend dumped me.

Elsa: it will be ok I promise. You will get over this. I did.

I abruptly stopped. Oh no. Did I just say that out loud?

Jacks POV

How was she able to stop Tooth?

That's when I heard someone crying and Elsa's voice. I looked around the corner and saw Ariel who is dating a guy named Eric.

Ariel: I'm so sorry I'm just still getting over the fact that my Boyfriend dumped me.

Elsa: it will be ok I promise. You will get over this. I did.

Wait what does she mean by she did? Did Rowan break up with her?

Ariel: what do you mean? Did your boyfriend also dump you?

Elsa: yes but it was a very long time ago and It is just a memory now.

Tooth: Jackie where are you?

Damn that's Tooth great now I have to go.

Elsa POV

For the rest of the day me and Ariel talked and went to our classes.

Skip to the end of school.

Ring ring

Finally school is over. I picked up all of my books and my light blue backpack and walked to room 216 where Ariels class was.

I saw her get out of her seat and walk towards me.

Ariel: hi how were your classes?

Elsa: oh they were ok. How are you?

Ariel: not ok can I tell you a secret?

Elsa: of course

Ariel: I've always dreamed of being a......mermaid.

What? Did she just say mermaid?

Ariel: most people think I'm mental because I've accidentally drowned myself a few times but I really think that I was meant to be a mermaid.

Elsa: Ariel we are human I don't think any of us where meant to be fairies or even mermaids.

Ariel: No! Your just like everyone else! I am a mermaid.

After that she stomped away and I tried following her but was stopped. I recognized his face.

Elsa: Eric move.

Eric: Elsa you have to understand I broke up with her because she was.....suicidal.

Elsa: No she isn't she's your friend and you have to protect her!

Rachel: Eric are you coming?

I looked behind Eric to see one of my childhood friends Rachel. She had bright red hair and pale skin. She looked just like Ariel.

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