Chapter 12

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Elsa POV

The wind blasted in my face as I speed off the Aunt Bella's house. I finally arrived at the entrance of the house and a pulled off my helmet. My hair flowed out of the helmet and I parked my bike by the entrance.

Aunt Bella: Elsa! How is school?

Elsa: it's good Aunt Bella.

Aunt Bella: Anna called me and told me about your little sleepover so I'm going to go on a vacation for a week! All the maids will be of service to you and your friends.

Elsa: thank you Aunt Bella I hope you have a lovely trip.

Punzie & Anna: Aunt Bella!

They ran up and hugged her. Jack stood beside me and smiled. Our eyes locked together, but we were interrupted by Eugene pulling us inside.

Eugene: Wow this place is huge! Are you guys billionaires?!

Kristoff: this place is massive!

Punzie: you each have your own rooms! Elsa show Jack and Hiccup their rooms I'll show Merida and Flynn and Anna show Kristoff!

I walked up the stairs with Jack and Hiccup trailing behind me with their mouths agape staring at all the paintings and chandelier.

Elsa: this is my room.

I pointed to double doors with a huge snowflake on it. I pointed to the next one which was right next to it. It had a snowman on it with frost around the door frame.

Jack: this has to be mine!

He opened the door and stood in awe of the room. There was a mini fridge in the corner and a humongous TV with every imaginable video game underneath it. He had a King sized bed that was a dark blue with frost patterns. Both of his pillows were also covered in frost.

There were dark blue guitars hanging from the walls and he had 3 bean bags in the corner of his room.

Jack: Dayymm I could get used to this.

I giggled and left Jack in his room with his mouth wide open. I turned around to find Hiccup with his nose stuck in a book like usually. I dragged him a few doors down to a door with a dragon engraved on it.

Hiccup: Now this is more like me!

He opened the door to find a dragon shaped bed and couches. The walls were covered in book shelves and books. The carpet was a brown-greenish color and he had a roaring fireplace on one side of the room.

Hiccup: Oh.My.God.

I thought he was about to faint. He ran around jumping and yelling with happiness. I giggled at him and left the room. Punzie and Anna were on the floor laughing and clutching their stomachs.

Anna: yyoouu should have seen hiss face!

Punzie: Meridas was hilarious!

Elsa: haha ok come on you two it's almost dinner time. We called the others and we all gathered in the living room. It had couches surrounding a massive flatscreen tv.

Eugene: Let's play truth or dare!

Kristoff: the one with the prettiest eyes should go first.

He was staring dreamily into Anna's eyes and her face turned bright red.

Jack: well I guess Elsa has to go first then!

Hiccup: What? Merida obviously has the prettiest eyes.

They both turned red when Hiccup realized what he just said.

Eugene: well I would say Punzie but obviously I have the prettiest eyes in this group so I'll go first.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Hiccup.

Eugene: truth or dare?

Hiccup: truth!

Eugene: do you love Merida?

Hiccups face turned as red as a tomato.

Hiccup: um I I

Merida: of course fishbone wouldn't!

Eugene: ohh looks like someone likes Hiccup!

Anna: just spin the bottle

Hiccup spun the bottle and it landed on..Oh great me!

Hiccup: Truth or dare?

Elsa: dare

jack gave me a stunned look

Hiccup: I dare you to...make me a sandwich.

Everyone: What?!

Merida: You could have done so much with that dare!

Anna: and you wasted it on a Sandwich!

Punzie: Wow hiccup!

Hiccup: sorry but i was hungry.

Eugene: Im really tired you guys want to call it a night?

Hiccup: what about my sandwich?

Elsa: Meaghan?

Meaghan: Yes miss what can i do for you?

Elsa: could you make Hiccup a sandwich for me?

Meaghan: of course Miss

Elsa: Ok now you have your sandwich.

Jack smirked at me then kissed me.

Merida: Get a room!

Anna: ok guys i think you know where your rooms are goodnight!

Bang Bang

???: Elsa Winters you better come here NOW!

Elsa: who could that be?!

I ran to the door with everyone right beside me I opened it to reveal. A very very angry Tooth.

Tooth: How dare you?! Your garbage and you decide to take away my boyfriend?

I felt a fist come down on my cheek and the next thing I knew was i was on the ground.

Jack: Tooth don't you dare touch her?!

Tooth: Jackie how could you?

Jack: Because Elsa is and will always be better than you!

Tooth: but but

Jack: don't ever come to this house again!

He pushed tooth out the door and locked it. His fist were still balled up and his teeth were gritting together. He looked over and saw me on the ground.

Jack: Elsa!

Elsa: Its ok I'm ok.

Jack: I'm so sorry about that!

Elsa: Thank you Jack.

He leaned down and picked me up bridal style and kissed my forehead. The others had their mouths open watching everything that just happened.

Merida: Let me go after her!

Anna: NO I'm going to kill herrrrrrr

Kristoff: Woh slow down there.

He hugged Anna and she melted in his arms. He walked her up to her room. Anna collapsed on her bed and kristoff, hiccup, and Merida all went to their rooms.

Punzie: Are you ok Els? Does it hurt? do we need to call 911?!

Elsa: its fine. Punzie you look exhausted you can go sleep now.

Punzie: ok Elsa but tell me if you need me.

She smiled and walked up stairs.

Jack: Im so sorry this is all my fault.

He laid me down on the couch and turned on the Tv.

Elsa: No it isn't.

Jack: I love you i can't believe she did that to someone so amazing.

Elsa: I love you too.

I laid my head down on his shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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