Chapter 12

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Dylans pov

Her beautiful eyes were open, allowing me to see their piercing blue colour for the first time in weeks. She smiled when she saw me, an amazing, ear-to-ear dimply smile. The nurse who was tending to Charlotte acknowledged me with a nod and left, leaving me to sit with her.

'Hey baby.' I smiled, reaching for her hand and giving it a squeeze.

'What happened to me?' She asked, rubbing her thumb along the back of my hand, her once purple nail polish had chipped off and the bruising in her hands had gone down, she looked so much healthier.

'You're going to be okay, we were in a car accident. Didn't the doctor tell you?' I asked her, biting my lip.

'Yeah, she did but I didn't want to believe her until you told me what happened, how long have I been...' She trailed off and looked at me.

'A few weeks, I've been here everyday.' I grinned and she giggled.

'You're such a loser Dylan. You didn't have to stay.'

For a few minutes there was a silence between us, our hands were still connected and soon, the silence was broken by her beautifully soft snores.

Seeing her sleeping made me tired too and I fell asleep in what turned out to be the most uncomfortable chair in the world.

Charlotte's pov

His hands were warm in mine and the heat sent me to sleep. Even though I hadn't been awake for weeks, I'd really missed Dylan, so much.

Seeing him had made me so happy I didn't even realise it, I just really want to go home.

'Charlotte?' Someone whispered, waking me up, Dylan's stupid face hovered over mine and smiled when my eyes snapped open. He helped me to sit up and gave me some coffee that he'd been to get.

'Good news, you can come home, as long as nobody leaves you by yourself.' He grinned his stupid grin to match his stupid face and I took a mouthful of coffee.

'Really? Now?' I asked, he nodded and looked at the door, making me curious. I turned around to see for myself and a nurse was standing in the doorway with a pair of crutches in her hands.

'These are for you Charlotte.' She smiled and walked around the bed to where me and Dylan were sat. She helped me to adjust them and taught me how to use them properly. Dylan then handed me a pile of clothes he'd been to collect from home for me and helped me to change. For the first time in weeks our lips connected and we kissed passionately for a moment. I was sitting on the bed and Dylan's hand rubbed small circles on my back, his other hand was on the back of my neck, his thumb rubbing up down. He was smiling as he kissed me, do you know how satisfying that is? No? Well I'll tell you, it's super satisfying.He pulled away and whispered.

'Come on, lets go home, it smells here.'

We arrived home and Dylan refused to let me use the "stupid crutches" or so he called them and carried me inside instead. When he came home to get me some clothes he'd made the sofa comfortable. Cushions all over the side of it, our duvet pulled from the bed upstairs and folded in half so I could climb in easily. He'd moved the coffee table closer to the sofa too, I wasn't sure why but I knew he would explain.

He sat me down on the sofa and pulled the duvet over me, making sure I was comfy before he sat down.

'I moved everything around I know it was just because I had an idea look.' He ran into the kitchen and brought in a cooler with some milk in it, a huge bottle of water, left again and returned with the kettle, filled with water, sugar, teabags and coffee.

'Just in case I'm showering or out and you really want coffee.' He giggled, looking super proud of himself.

'That's such a good idea.' I told him.

'But what about the toilet?' I asked.

'Yes but, the toilet is a necessary journey, coffee is important but sometimes it's a wasted journey.' He smiled and I nodded.

'Now, I was thinking, pizza tonight because how's that for a first day back home meal. Take out of course.'

'Pizza sounds so good right now.' I replied, my stomach growling loudly, as if on cue.

'I'll order it now, veggie?' He asked, remembering what I always order.

'Yes please, get some nachos too.' I requested.

'Anything for m'lady.' He laughed stupidly, leaning over the sofa to give me a kiss, biting his lip.

'Are you gonna be okay?' He asked.

'Dylan, you're going to be in the kitchen, now go, I'm hungry.' I demanded, pushing him in the chest until he almost toppled over.

'Oh and Dylan.' I called, he swung around on his heel and widened his eyes at me.

'You forgot mugs.' I pointed out, he sighed sarcastically and ran into the kitchen before bringing two mugs back.

'Make me a coffee.' He shouted from the kitchen as he dialled the number for the pizza place.

Dylan had changed and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't like being beaten up and used all the time but this new Dylan, this sweet, loyal Dylan, he's...fake.

But I love it.

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