Chapter 14

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Charlotte's pov

I don't get it, Dylan's all over the place. One minute he's up and lovely, the next he's down, like a cobra, I can't provoke him. It's his way or no way, but I love him. I know I need to give him another chance, I know I do, but what if that happens again? I'm scared he might get angry and leave me. Me and him need to talk. Big time.

I woke up early, creeping downstairs so I didn't wake El. I'd only just woken up, hair all kinky, a naked face and I was absolutely starving. I wanted to go home and shower before Dylan woke up, I put some bread in the toaster and grabbed a red pen, scribbling a note to El telling her I was going home and thankyou for letting me stay blah blah blah. I sat on one of the stools by the bar and waited for my toast. I ended up thinking, too much. When the toast popped up I jumped and my heart skipped a beat. I was so hungry, I pulled it from the toaster and ate it dry. Luckily I didn't live that far away from my mum so I could walk home in 30 minutes. I slung my bag on the floor by the stairs and headed upstairs for a shower, dragging my feet and using the banister to pull me up.

'Charlotte?!' I heard Dylan yell excitedly from behind his bedroom door, I ducked into the bathroom and locked the door.

'Please, Charlotte can we talk?!' He shouted through the door and over the running hot water.

'I know, we can talk I promise, I look like trash and I smell, just give me twenty minutes and we can talk.' I promised. When I got in the shower I heard the front door open and close.

Climbing out of the shower feeling refreshed, I got changed and went downstairs, well, tried to.

'NO!' Dylan yelled, running up the stairs.

'Woah, hello there.' I giggled, having fallen into the wall, my hands were on Dylan's shoulders to steady myself. He wrapped his huge hands around my wrists and pushed them into the wall. Naturally, my heart started racing because I got scared that he was going to hurt me but there was love in his eyes, not hate.He stared at my lips and bit his own, he then leant in and we kissed. It was much like our first one, heated. He let go of my wrists, his hands craving my touch somewhere else. They sat on my hips and he slid them down to my bum. My hands were on the back of his, as I ran my hands through his hair because I knew he liked it.

'Babe, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?' He asked, I nodded.

'I hurt a bit but I'm okay, promise.' I smiled and so did he.

'Come on, I want to show you something.' He took me downstairs and into the living room.

'Dylan.' I gasped. He grinned.

'Your favourite flower, roses, and your favourite number, 117. There are 117 light pink roses to express my admiration of your beautiful face.' He giggled like an idiot.

'God I love you.' I smiled, reaching up and kissing him. He held me close to him and when we pulled away his head rested in the crook of my neck.

'Please don't leave me.' I felt a tear from him run down my neck and I pushed him off.

'Dylan? I'm not going anywhere.'

'I don't understand why, I'm an asshole.'

He sighed, wiping his eyes and sitting down.I sat next to him and looked him right in the eye. 'Yes, you are, sometimes, and I understand why, it isn't your fault. You're getting better yeah. I still love you.' He smiled his dimply smile and pulled me onto his lap facing away from him. He pushed a button on the remote control to turn the tv on and held my hand. He moved his legs up and down and giggled, putting his lips on my neck.

'How did I get so lucky?'

He whispered into my neck, kissing it gently.

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