Halloween special

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A/N: this will be quick,i am very sorry for not posting so often i felt quite unmotivated but i still wanted to write some of the ideas i had for this story.

-Thank you for reading!!~~~~~ Walter Olison.

|| Y/n's POV ||

It was a lovely saturday morning and i woke up from my sister screaming from the top of her lungs begging me to wake up so i can make breakfast, my peace and quiet disappeared in a blink of an eye, i lazily got out of my bed and dragged myself to go and make me and S/n some food but stopped when S/n went in front of me and showed two costumes, i was confused but my dramatically looked at the calender.

"Hold on...it's Halloween already?" I said confused.

"You didn't notice the change of weather or something!?" Shouted S/n in a surprised manner.

"Well of course i noticed, what made you think i didn't? I asked unaware why she said it.

"ANYWAYS, what should i be a rabbit or a witch??" She said.

"What happened to being an otter?" I asked.

"It was too national geographic!" She answered the question.

"Makes sense" I replied.

|| Shousuke's POV ||

I wonder if Hitomi and L/n-san are going to dress up, Katai-chan is throwing a halloween party, even tho i don't want to go well because i know she's going to try and get close to me i still want to hang out with my friends...Alright maybe just L/n-san.

"Shousuke!! i'm going to the store want to come with me?" Asked my mother as she peaked through my door.



"How nice of you Shou!" Said my mother.

|| ~ TIME SKIP ~ ||

||3rd POV||

Y/n arrived at the party wearing her/his/their costume being bombarded with complements make them overwhelmed and anxious since social events weren't their thing usually, Hitomi waved at her/him/them trying to get the attention of the frightened boy/girl/person, Y/n saw the shorter/taller girl and tried to move from the croud to her because after all  she is the only person they/he/she knows/know in this party besides Shousuke.

"Hitomi you look great!" Y/n said looking at her costume.

"AWWW, you too now where's Shousuke?" Hitomi asked looking perplexed.

"Wasn't he supposed to be here? He literally asked us to come here." Hitomi said.

"Maybe he is lost or something" He/she/they said.

"Ya i guess so" Hitomi said.

Little did they know Shousuke was blending in the crowd looking at Y/n talk to Hitomi, once Hitomi went to grab drinks for her and Y/n, Shousuke grabbed Y/n's wrist he knew this wouldn't be the best solution cause she/he/they might hit him by accident but he is willing to take those chances.

"OH SHOUSUKE!!" Y/n said.

He blushed a small tint of pink seeing their/his/her eyes in this moment, this singular moment made you look like the most precious thing he has ever scene the music wasn't loud it was faint, your smile was like a sunset that you can see on the roof, it felt warm and inviting if he could take a picture of you for every time he saw you it would have been an art museum, in simpler words you look magnificent tonight.

He dragged Y/n outside to the backyard he knew what the feeling of love was ever since he met you but was to scared to say anything.

"Y/n" He said.

"Yes? Are you alright your face looks a bit warm." She/he/they said concerened.

"L/n Y/n i like you..." He whispered quietly to scared to let anybody hear what he said.

"I-i...um.. I like you too!" He/She/They hugged the flustered boy who was surprised to hear those words.

Everything was silent, until Hitomi called out both their names and brought Y/n her drink, but tonight Shousuke was going to treasure this until he dies.

|| ~ END ~ ||


Thank you for reading and i will write the next chapter quite soon!

~Love the  author of this book Walter Olison!!~

~Something sweet  || Komi Shousuke x Reader~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt