The complications (2028)

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Harry and Obamas relationship has blossomed in the past eight years.

Their boy, wells, was healthy, strong, and nearly nine years old.

At this point, Harry and Obama had to get back out in public, so shortly after wells was born they moved back to their homes in the US.

It was a strain on the relationship with Harry and Obama. With Harry being on tour practically the full year sometimes, it was hard to spend any time with wells. Same for Obama, having to be with another family and leaving one of your boys to be taken care of by baby sitters all the time.

Harry, wells, and Obama did however make time to have a proper family dinner in a secure location once every month.

This month, Obama had something important to say.

"Hey guys, how is everyone?" Obama started the conversation.

"We're all good, I'm just taking to wells about school right now. He's doing very well in English class so I hear." Harry said proudly.

Obama was happy to see the family together again since the last two months, this dinner was postponed. Seeing everyone in such high spirits would make what he is going to say, harder to do.

"Guys I really hate to spoil the dinner but I need to go talk to Harry for a second privately. Will you excuse us for a moment wells?" Obama said anxiously.

Obama gestured out the door to Harry while wells sat quietly waiting for his dads to return.

"I'm sorry I'm doing this, but I can't see this arrangement working out forever Harry" Obama started.

"It's hard on us to not live together or see each other like we did everyday back in the Bahamas" Obama continues.

Harry stopped him.

"Barack, I know the Bahamas was your fantasy world but this is real now, we need to go through with this. Don't you still love me?" Harry asked.

"Yes I do. And that's what is going to make this even harder for me." Obama stopped. Almost in tears.

"It's not going to work at the moment Harry, I think we're over. At least for now" Obama said.

Harry was disappointed. He never wanted this to end. Nine years to just leave it like this.

Harry and Obama went to have a chat with wells about what they said and how the agreement was going to work.

Wells wasn't too beat up about the news. He had never really seen his dads together on a separate occasion to these monthly dinners.

"It's best if he lives with me I think" Harry said.

"Since you have a family and all" he continued.

Obama nodded in agreement. He was sad but also happy at the same time.

"Dad, don't cry. I'll see you on Easter." Wells said, comforting Obama.

They went on to go separate ways once again. Almost as if they were back where they started. Except different this time.

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