The call and the kill (continued)

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Obama wasn't new to this situation. He had called his agency to kill people many times before. But Obama doesn't just get people killed for no good reason, and this one could be the most important one of all.

Obama went into his office and pressed the speed dial number on his phone.

"Hello, I have a new subject for you." Obama said into the phone.

"His name is Liam Payne, he's getting in the way of me and my true love and I need him gone." Obama continued.

"Okay Barack, we'll get it done. Quick and painless?" They agency asked.

"No. The opposite." Obama said confidentiality hanging up the phone.

By the end of tonight, Harry and Obama will have total freedom.

At around midnight, Harry checked his phone. On Apple News the article read: Liam Payne found dead in his California home this evening.

We did it Harry, we fricking did it.

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