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18. Punctual

I reached before time, knowing that Kaya is extremely punctual

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I reached before time, knowing that Kaya is extremely punctual. 'Our' place is actually very beautiful. And it's not that parking lawn. It's quite close to our homes. Also, plus point our homes are pretty close. 5 minutes walk and you're at your destination.

Dad agreed with me pursuing art. I thought that my parents would be disappointed in me, but they were disappointed in the fact that their son wouldn't want to openly tell the truth. But it is all sorted now. And I feel great!

Kaya came at sharp 9:30 p.m. and I smiled. How does she manage to be punctual?

❝ Look who is here early. ❞
She said referring to me not being punctual and I shrugged, not wanting to start this as the conversation. We've had this conversation many a times now.


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