A new normal

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"Ma!" Everleigh cried out.

"I'll go." Rachel said as Will sighed.

It had been two days since Madeleine's accident and the family was trying to find their new normal. For the sake of the twins, Will and Rachel decided to stay home for a while, Figgins giving Will compassionate leave and the company of the play Rachel was in giving her some time off that she was due.

"Hey munchkin." Rachel said softly as she entered the nursery.

It was so hard to carry on, Rachel wanted more than anything to just shut the world away, forget everything. But she knew that'd be no good for Madeleine or for the twins.

"Dada?" Everleigh asked as she looked around the room.

"Daddy's next door baby. Shall we go find him?" Rachel asked as they walked through to the living room.

"DADA!" Everleigh exclaimed as Will came into view.

Everleigh eagerly held her arms out to her father.

"Hey munchkin." Will said softly as he took her into his arms.

Everleigh was completely and utterly a daddy's girl. Wherever Will went, Everleigh went too.

The one year old snuggled herself into the crook of her fathers neck.

"Dada." She mumbled happily as she relaxed into his shoulder.

"She's missed you." Rachel said warmly.

"You think?" Will said half sarcastically.

"I'm glad she has though. Having these two takes my mind off of everything." He admitted.

"Definitely. It'd be so easy to just stop and hide away, forget everything and everyone. But with these two, they help." Rachel agreed as Alexander came toddling in, holding Finn's hand.

"Mama!" He cried out as he ran full pelt into Rachel's legs.

"Oh baby!" Rachel exclaimed as Alexander began to cry.

"You're okay, it just scared you didn't it?" Rachel soothed as Alexander sucked his thumb and whined.

"You're so brave bubba. So very brave indeed." She soothed as his whining slowly started to stop.

"Well, what he was going to ask was could he go to the park?" Finn said as a small smirk began to spread across both twins faces.

They absolutely adored being outside, they loved exploring and getting dirt (Alexander more than Everleigh .)

"Everleigh, Do you want to go to the park?" Will asked as Emma clapped her hands excitedly before exclaiming "Pwark!"

"The park it is then." Will said as he stood, leaving to grab the twins changing bags.


"Swing!" Everleigh exclaimed as she ran towards the swing happily.

"Finnnn! Wacth this!" Alexander said as he tried to do a Roly-Poly, only succeeding in tripping over his feet.

Rachel and Will meanwhile sat down on a bench, happy in knowing Finn is okay dealing with the twins.

"They're grown up so fast." Rachel said sadly.

"I know, I can't believe that they are already 2. No more babies." Will agreed.

"About that..." Rachel said sheepishly.

"You're not pregnant are you?!" Will exclaimed.

"No, but I feel like I want another." Rachel admitted.

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