Home at last

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"Welcome home!" Emma smiled as Madeline backed away slightly, overwhelmed.

"Me and daddy did the sign." Emma grinned as Maddeline smiled slightly.

"Carry." Madeleine pleaded as she looked up at Rachel.

"Sweetie you can manage." Rachel encouraged as Maddeline gripped on tighter to the walking frame the hospital had provided.

"It hurts mommy." Madeleine said as she began to cry.

"Maddie, look at me okay?" Emma said as Maddeline did so with tear fuller eyes.

"What's your favourite colour?" Emma asked as she started to distract her younger sister.

Slowly, Madeleine walked towards Emma.

"Yellow." Madeleine said quietly.

"Mine too!" Emma giggled.

"Do you like pizza?" Madeleine asked as Emma rolled her eyes playfully before nodding. "Do I? It's the best!" Emma exclaimed as finally, Madeleine reached her.

"You did it!" Emma exclaimed happily.

"Well done girls!" Will exclaimed as he high-fives Emma and hugged Madeline.

"Carry." Madeline pleaded.

"I think I can manage that." Will grinned as he gently lifted Madeline and placed her on the sofa.

"Emma, you did great with Maddie. Thank you baby. You are so kind and thoughtful." Rachel said as she hugged the girl.

"As a treat, how would you like to choose the film we watch tonight?" Rachel suggested as the little girls eyes lit up.

"Can I?" She whispered quietly like it was a crime.

"Of course you can." Will grinned.

"And we can have candy too!" Will said as Emma whopped happily.

"Madeline lovebug, are you okay?" Rachel asked as she came and sat by her daughter.

"Tired." Madeleine said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Do you want daddy to go and put you for a nap in our bed?" Rachel asked.

"I can come sit with you until you fall asleep." Emma offered.

"Please!" Madeleine nodded as Will lifted her into his arms.

Emma eagerly followed Will and Madeline into the bedroom.

Smiling, Rachel sat down happily.

Finally; after three months their family was back together.

Emma returned a few minutes later.

"Hey kiddo." Rachel smiled.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Why?" Emma asked.

"It's not like I did much." She added.

"You are being so very helpful. I know this can't be easy for you either. All the changes recently. I just want you to know both me and your daddy are so very proud of you." Rachel smiled as Emma teared up.

"No one's ever said that to me." She said quietly.

Hearing Emma say that, broke Rachel's heart. Something so simple as saying 'I love you' is something so foreign to the little girl.

Bending down to her level, Rachel gently hugged the girl and was surprised when she reciprocated it.

Emma never really saught out affection and was definitely the more reserved of their children.

"Go colour for a while, I'm sure Maddie would love for you to make her one of your cards." Rachel suggested as she heard the twins arguing.

The twins birthday was coming up, as they were getting older they were seeming to argue more and more.

"Alexander David! Everleigh Rose!" Rachel yelled as she entered the room.

"Your sister has JUST returned home from hospital and is trying to sleep. The last thing she needs is both of you arguing like this." Rachel said firmly.

"But mama-" Alex went to say.

"Alex, i don't want to hear it. All you've done recently is argue. Either find something you can play together nicely or play seperate things." Rachel ordered as the two nodded.

"Sorry Mama." Alex appologised as he picked up a few toys and put them away.

"I sorry too mama." Everleigh appologised as she hugged Rachel.

"Thank you both for your appologies. You are both nearly three, practically big kids now. I know its hard getting along sometimes but instead of arguing all the time come speak to me instead okay?" Rachel suggested as both twins nodded.

Seeing that Alex and Everleigh were settled, Rachel decided to go and check on Will and Maddeline.

"Hey.." Rachel said quietly as she entered their bedroom, Maddie fast asleep in the bed with Will laying beside her.

"Hey. She just nodded off." Will smiled as he looked down at her.

She was everything to him and more.

She made him a father.

"She looks settled." Rachel said as she gently sat on the bed.

"She was after I gave her the pain meds." Will agreed.

"I'm so glad she's home." Rachel said as she watched Maddie's chest rise and fall rhythmically.

"Me too. It didn't feel like home without her." Will agreed.

"hey now that she's home.. Are you free September 17th?" Will asked, a glint in his eye (which normally meant he was up to something).

"I think so...Why?" Rachel asked skeptically.

"That's the day you're going to marry me." Will beamed.

"NO! No way! Seriously?!" Rachel exclaimed, diving on top of Will (Being careful to not wake Maddie up).

"Seriously. In two months, you'll be Mrs Schuester." Will said as he kissed Rachel deeply.

"I can't wait to spend forever with you." Rachel exclaimed joyfully.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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