donnie darko's alone time

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chapter 2

your POV

My thoughts are interrupted by a phone ringing. I quickly pick it up.

"Hey" I hear a voice coldly say on the other line. My eyes lit up realizing who it belonged to.

"Donnie?" I say bluntly confused as to why he would be calling.

Donnie, a boy from my class, mostly keeps to himself. Some people at school think he's a total freak but I think he's pretty cool. On days where I decide to be scandalous with my school uniform, I can feel it. I can feel Donnie's eyes scanning my legs up and down. I've caught his gaze once or twice but he just looks away smiling to himself.

He never says a word though, just let's his eyes explore. The other day his frustration got the best of him so he grabbed my hand and led me to the back building. He kissed me and we made out for a bit before I told him we had to get back to class. That was about two weeks ago so I wonder what's on his mind now.

"Yeah it's me, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house" I can hear a lonely tone in his voice as I try to gather my thoughts.

"Your house? For what?" I blurt out.

" help me study" Donnie drags out his words.

"Study? on a Friday night?" I say amused by his answer.

"Can you come over or not" He says bluntly.

Silence passes by as I make a decision.

"I'll be there " I reluctantly say before hanging up the phone.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I stash my bike in the bushes before walking up and ringing the doorbell to a beautiful home. I hear footsteps and the door swings open.

"You made it " Donnie says as his eyes meet mine. They look glossy-looking from the moonlight, almost like puppy dog eyes.

"Hi" I say greeting him with a smile.

"Come on" Donnie reaches for my hand and pulls me through the door way. My hand in his, I follow closely behind as he leads us to the living room. His fathers eyes are glued to the game that's playing on tv and Mrs. Darko was flipping though a magazine. Donnie clears his throat.

"We're going to be in my room" he announced to his parents.

"Alright son" His dad enthusiastically says not looking up from the screen. His mother did not say a word, her facial expression showed me she was not impressed. We scurried away heading up to his room.

I plop down on Donnie's bed. His room is cold and dark filled with blue light coming from his tv.  I feel him lay down next to me as the warmth of his skin touches mine.

"So what's up?" I ask curiously.

"I just wanted someone to be with" He says blankly staring up at the ceiling. Donnie's breaths are deep as I watch his chest move up and down.

"What's wrong" I say

"Nothing" he quickly reassured me. I turn my my body to the side now facing him.

Donnie begins to speak and I can't help but let my eyes explore him.

The way his lips moved as he ranted aimlessly and the constant blinks that reveal his beautiful eyelashes. My eyes trail down to the t shirt he's wearing. My breathing was picking up as I noticed Donnie's toned body peaking through the shirt, the outlines of his biceps were visible. His chest was moving up and down leading me to where his shirt and pajamas pants separated. The slightly lifted shirt exposed Donnie's v line.

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