Family Woes

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Stress was an understatement.

After Alessandra's mother dropped the bombshell of Alessandra being pregnant.

Mr. Mercier lost it " Alessandra are you out of your mind how could you bring this shame on our family"

"Daddy I"

"Don't daddy me, forthwith you will get that thing out "

"I will do no such thing, father "

"I have taken just about all I could from you, I have given you everything it's times like this I wish you had died instead of your brother"

Mrs. Mercier replied "Don't say that my husband"

Alessandra was hurt by the words which had come out his mouth.

"You have totally disappointed me"

" Father this baby is made out of love I can't destroy something so special"

" Alessandra this is my final verdict you will destroy that abomination you are carrying, the marriage between you and Dimitri will stand no matter what"

Mr. and Mrs. Mercier walked off leaving Alessandra standing alone.

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