Chapter 3: Apologize

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For the next few weeks  me and Mattheo ignored each other even though we share a room.(around Christmas now.)

I was headed to potions talking with Draco.

"So did you and Mattheo make up yet?"  He asks curiously.

"No of course not!" I say, sort of angry he actually thinks we would make up"why would we?"

"well you two have Been friends for quite a while..."

"well he -" I began.

"look I just don't think you should let some silly last name get in the way of of your friendship."

"well that silly last name means his father killed my parents!"

"yeah but-" 

"thanks for your help but no thanks." I say rolling my eyes.

"Bella!" He says startling me a bit "look all I'm saying is Mattheo isn't like his parents okay?!"

"I know." I say sighing.

"then why does it matter if he's a Riddle?" He asks and honestly I can't answer myself... I know he wasn't really the reason...

"he just-" I begin thinking "I don't know... I guess it just sort of reminds me of my parents death..." I walk into the classroom.

What a coincidence I have Mattheo as my potions partner .


I sit by Mattheo working on the potion not talking. I slice up the spider legs carefully.

We finish early as we usually do and are told to study from a book. Snape had told us to ask eachother questions according to the book given.

"what's the difference between an animagus a werewolf? " I ask reading from the book.

"I don't know..." He says simply.

"guess" I say teasingly.

"mmm" he says smirking "ones a Riddle and the other is a Potter"

"will you stop already!" I say rolling my eyes. Why does he always have to bring that stupid shit up!?

"why?" He says mockingly "who are you going to cry to?"

He says leaving me shocked yet angry. Why the fuck would he say that?!

"your mum?" He says teasingly as if its a joke " oh but, where is your mum?"

"isn't she dead?" He said infuriating me "oh but you still have your dad don't you?"

I glare at him not finding the "joke" very funny.

"oh but wait-" he pauses "my loving father killed him too" he says chuckling "better watch out Potter... Or you'll be next"

"you wouldn't..." I say testily. I glare at him as he continues to talk.

"what can I say like father like son " he says glaring at me  "in fact , as you keep saying 'your the reason my parents are dead, your the reason I have no family , your the son of my parents murderer!'" He says mockingly "apparently to you... I ordered my father to kill your stupid parents"

"Don't talk about my parents that way!"

"what are they going to do about it?" he says smirking "nothing."

(A/n: yeah yeah, I know Mattheo wouldn't do this, I just like writing drama where it doesn't need to be.)

I get up leaving the classroom I stay in my dorm studying while everyone else are in their classes.

As it draws closer to midnight Mattheo walks in... Which is my que to leave.

I go up to the astronomy tower thinking about all he said.

Specifically about the part of me saying he's the reason I have no family. 

I hear footsteps approaching . I don't look back because honestly I didn't care if anyone was up here. As long as it wasn't -

"hello!" Mattheo says smiling, walking over to stand next to me.

"what do you want?" I say angrily.

"nothing..." He says watching the stars "are you still mad at me then?"

"why wouldn't I be?"

"yeah you have every right to be mad at me" he says smiling "y'know how I killed your parents and everything..."

I stay silent as I watch the stars. Trying to make him leave and not feel wanted up here.

"and since I'm the son of your parents murderer..." He says looking at me "that means we both killed your parents doesn't it Potter?"

"why are you up here?" I ask annoyed.

"Thought it belonged to the whole school" he said smirking.

"Well just leave me alone then" I say sighing.

"Bella...?" He asks.

"Yes?"I say annoyed as he's still talking.

"why did you stop talking to me because of my last name?"he asks looking generally confused as I can see tears building up in his eyes.

"because you did the same to me...?"

"yeah I know but - " he pauses "look just because we were practically born enemies doesn't mean we have to be. ."

He and a great point. I've met Mattheo and he's actually really nice.


"look all I'm asking is if you will be my best friend again"

"mmm" I say pretending to think "apologize."

"for what?"He asks confused.

"I don't know maybe for disrespecting my parents death?" I don't know why it hurt me so bad. I've heard it before in the papers and stuff but you just never quite seem to get over it.

 Even after 12 years... 

"mmm no." He says simply.

I roll my eyes as I walk away, leaving him up in the astronomy tower alone.


hey thanks for reading i appreciate it so much love u!

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