𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4

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Before i went to bed i went into the kitchen to grab a bag of frozen peas for my face then i went upstairs to my bedroom and laid in bed i thought about ringing ava but decided not to. Then i heard a knock on the wall from jeremiahs room, we used to knock on each others walls when we were younger to see if the other one was awake.

I smiled at the memory and knocked back i just know that he is smiling on the other side to

After that i went to sleep

I woke up and looked at the time on my phone 6am i put my phone down got up and grabbed a jacket and before i walked out the door i seen the debutant card sitting on my side table i picked it up and thought fuck it ill do it so i ticked the box that said yes and walked out the door. I decided to go sit on the beach to watch the morning waves.

I got to the beach and seen Conrad there i decided to go sit with him

"Hi" i said taking a seat next to him

"Last night was amazing" i said

"A shitshow" Conrad also said

"You know you're gonna have a black eye tomorrow right?" he said

"Its already tomorrow" i smiled

"Hey do you do you remember anything that happened last night? i mean you were pretty wasted" i asked

"I always remember everything when i drink" he replied

I just nodded and looked out in the ocean when i heard Conrad starting to light a smoke

"Let me have a puff" i said

"No" he mumbled with the smoke between his lips still trying to light it

"Hmhm yeah" i said


"Yes" i insisted

"No" he objected

"Laurel will actually kill me" he said

"Okay fine then if i cant smoke then you cant smoke" i giggled

he smiled and took the smoke out his mouth and back behind his ear

"Same old Gracie" he chuckled

We sat there for a few seconds in silence looking at the waves

"Hey lets go pick up some of the good muffins before everybody else gets up" he asked

"Yeah why not" i said

he stood up first and held out his hand for me to grab of course i grabbed it willingly then he pulled me up and then we started walking into town

We got to the shop where they sell our favorite muffins and asked for the usual

We got a box full and headed back home

We got home and seen Jeremiah cooking some breakfast and Conrad went and laid on the couch clutching his head

"Hey jer can you make me one of your hangover smoothies" Conrad shouted

"coming right up" he replied

Jeremiah finished making Conrad's smoothie and gave it to him

"Thank you" Conrad said

"Come on hurry your ass up alright i cant be late for my first day of work" Steven complained

"We wont were good man" jer assured him

My mum finally looked up from her laptop screen and looked over at me

Summer Nights - Conrad Fisher <3Where stories live. Discover now