kotoko ukitake

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I was born and named Kotoko Ukitake  my I fathers last name, he had died two months before i was born leaving my mother alone. When i was born she was sickened by the white hair I had inherited from my father and the sickness that I too had.
I was sick from the moment of my birth, my mother hated it and she hated me, I had to grow up fending for my self untill I was 10 when my uncle came and adopted me from my mother, I was overjoyed to leave her forever and start a new life. As it would go my uncle had the illness as well and didn't think he would have much time left. He told me everything about my father and who he was, he told me all the family's history and the last thing he told me was of the Shinigami history in our family.

That was the explanation to why I was able to see things others couldn't my uncle had told me that he was unable to see them anymore. When we moved here I was introduced to the Kurosaki family who had a boy the same age as me and two little girls twins.

Four years ago Age 11
Kotoko looked to her left and saw a little old man floating next to her she noticed the boy looking at the ghost as well "you see them?" he asked her and Kotoko nods slowly "it's weird right?" the boy asked again laughing, Kotoko laughes for the first time.
, Ichigo and I became good friends from them on out it was only a few  years later when my illness progressed and I went to school less and less.
I was getting worse and worse and would often find my self waking on the floor not knowing how I had gotten there or how long I had been there.

Three years ago age 15
Sitting in class without a coughing fit was Kotoko. Her desk was infront of Ichigo and next to Orihime, she was trying to get caught up after missing so much school the month prior. That's when she felt an attack coming but she tried to hold it in, that never worked
Blood splatters onto her hand and desk so she stood and ran to the bathroom. Orihime looked at Ichigo and started to pack Kotoko stuff and left to the bathroom with Ichigo in tow.
"koto?" Ichigo called into the girls bathroom "Ichigo I need to get home" Kotoko said stumbling out of the bathroom "it's alright you go home i'll bring Orihime you your school work" Ichigo said bring her for a hug.
"kotoko!" gave the girl a hug while she handed her bag off to her "feel better soon! i can bring by the miso fish head soup I made last night!" the bubbly redhead smiled brightly "thank you Orihime i'll try it" Kotoko smiled and Ichigo and Orihime walked her out of school and to the gates watching her turn towards the park the short cut to her house.
Kotoko felt worse as she walked her lungs burned and she coughed heavily her eyes dropped for a second and she stumbled into a person "i'm sorry little lady" a vocie said in a joking flirty tone before switching to a concerned one " whoa are you alright little lady" the man said holding onto her as her legs gave out "Kyōraku what did you do" a stern woman says watch as her captain lays her against a tree "Nanao! I didn't do anything she just collapsed onto me" the laid back captain was not laid back in this moment that's when Rangiku waltzed over "oh dear" she sighs looking down at the human girl infront of them " Nanao she's waking up." Shunsui said kneeling down "hey can you tell us your name please?" He asked smiling at her "Kotoko"she broke into a coughing fit after and her eyes fluttered shut for a moment again as she pulled her hand away blood covered it "You need to get to a hospital." Nanao said looking down at the human "no. this is normal for me iv been sick from the time I was born this is normal" she brushes it off standing up leaning against the tree "i'm Shunsui Kyōraku, this Nanao and Rangiku. I just want to make your you are alright" he said holding his hand out to her "thank you but im fine. this normal for me it's a family illness every ukitake in my family has had it." she says leaning back to catch her breath. "ukitake?" Nanao asked confused "yes my full name is Kotoko Ukitake, why?" She asked confused "no reason the one we knew died a long time ago" Shunsui shrugged it off there was no way for Jushrio to have a human relative. That is when he notched the girls white hair falling out of its hair pin, it was laying on her school uniform the white shining in the light of spring. "can we help you back to your home or the hospital?" Rangiku asked stepping forward "I just live a block down please don't worry about it." the girl stated "and thank you for helping me" she bows and started walking away.

"captain."Nanao asked "i know." Her captain sighed deeply before the three turned and watched her walk out of the park and started to follow its then that she leaned against a sign and smiled down when the soul reapers looked closely, a little girl was seen but this one was a ghost "you have to move on sweetheart or the monster will get you" Kotoko reached down and ran a hand through the ghosts hair "go on don't worry you won't be forgotten dear" they watched as the little girl nods and disappeared and as Kotoko pulls a little bag of sweets out of her bag leaving them next to the flower vase

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