Mother Nature and Hangovers

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Chapter 4

"Hey can you, like wake up? I need some meds cause I have a bad headache." I hear Giana mumble. I yawn and rub my eyes, trying to wipe the sleepiness off of my face.

"Uh, yeah I think it's in the kitchen." I roll onto my side and see Giana standing there with an ice pack on her forehead.

"I already checked there, even in your medicine cabinets." I push the covers off of me and stand up stretching.

"You looked through my stuff?" I said annoyed.  I begin to walk downstairs and hear Giana's footsteps behind me.

"You never answered my question!" She whined. I rolled my eyes at her immaturity.

"What are you five? Stop whining Giana, I don't have any at the moment but I can run out and get some for you." I say while looking through the cabinets just in case she missed it.  I stand up and turn to face her.

"I'm not five! And could you get some donuts, chocolate, and tampons, I'm on my period." I chuckle at her comment and nod my head. I head upstairs while she trails behind me like a lost puppy.

"So that's why you were extra bitchy!" I laughed out. She smacked my ass with the ice pack and I let out a scream before dashing up the stairs. "Hey, not nice!" I said trying to be serious. We both laughed but stopped when she held her head and groaned.

"Can you just get the fucking medicine already!" She yelped. I nodded my head and went to my closet to change. "You know where the drug store is right?" She asks.

"Yeah I do, what's the weather for today?" I ask.

"It's gunna be a little chilly cause the suns covered with clouds so black yoga pants, white half zip, and black vans." She says while snatching each article of clothing. She plops it in my hands and walks out. I change quickly and brush my tangles out. I put on some chap stick and mascara. I walk down the stairs to notice Giana asleep on the couch. I grab the car keys and head out of my apartment. I see Mark and Shelly locking their apartment with suitcases in hand.

"Where are you two going?" I ask. Mark turns around and gives me a broad smile.

"If it isn't the one and only Hannah Miller!" He yells out. "C'mere kid." He holds open his arms and I hug him. He lets go and as do I patting me on my shoulder.

"In the flesh." I chuckle out. Shelly turns around and sees me giving me a quick hug.

"Good morning sweetie, how are you? We're heading out to go to Italy until the cold weather is over." She smiles at me.

"Cold weather? It's still shorts weather and it's February!" I say in shock. They both chuckle and begin to walk out with me.

"Hunny, we've been here a long time, and this is considered winter for us on the west coast!" She laughs. I giggle and grab some bags helping them put it in the car. "Oh! You don't have to do that!" She says.

"Oh it's no problem." I say back. Mark gets in the car and Shelly gets in too. I close the trunk and he starts the car.

"Well she's hell of a lot better than our daughter! She stays in bed with a terrible headache from all the beer she has!" He jokes. Shelly slaps him on the chest in a playful manor and looks at me.

"You behave now, and keep an eye out for our good daughter." She empathizes on the word good and glares at Mark. He lets out a bark of laughter and turns to me. "Bye Hannah!" They both say as they pull out of the parking lot. Immediately I begin to think about my parents. A rush of sadness consumes me and I walk to Giana's car. I get in and start the engine. I turn on some music and put on my seat belt. I soon forget about everything and drive to the pharmacy.

I park the car and get out grabbing my phone, wallet, and car keys. I step in and grab the meds and tampons. I decide to get her some coffee instead of chocolate. Hopefully, she won't kill me for that. I quickly purchase the items and step out of the shop and into my car. I drive to starbucks and walk in.

"Hey, can I have to coffees to go please?" I ask the man behind the counter. He nodded and I paid. I walked over to the counter and waited for my drinks. I heard giggling and looked to my left to see Griffin with a red head laughing and drinking coffee. I looked down and couldn't help but feel jealous. I couldn't stop getting hurt. I heard my name called and I grabbed them and left. As soon as I neared the doors Griffin made eye contact with me.

"Hey I'll be right back Izzy." I heard him say. I went out the door and did not even bother holding it open. I unlocked my car and put the coffee in the cup holders. I was about to shut the car door when it flew open. Griffin was looking at me with fury in his eyes.

"Don't you dare close the door on me, I will not tolerate disrespect from you!"  He spoke sharply. I glare at him and put the keys in the engine.

"Honestly I couldn't give two shits about what you think." He let out a growl and I managed to get the door out of his grip and close it.

He began to speak through the open window . "Don't let such ugly words come out of your pretty little mouth." He said with a smirk crossing over his features. I looked into his dark brown eyes and knew that I could not get my heart broken anymore.

"Don't talk to me anymore." With that I drove away and back to the apartment.

Once I got there I grabbed the bags and opened up the door. I walked up the flights of steps to my apartment. I began to unlock the door when it was flung open.

"Finally!" Giana gasped. She grabbed the headache medicine and went to the kitchen. I walked in and put the pharmacy bag on the table along with her coffee. I sat on the couch and took tiny sips of my hot coffee. I heard shuffling and an annoyed groan from my left.

"Where the fuck is my chocolate! I asked for-" She stopped mid sentence when she saw the coffee. "Okay never mind I love you." She grabbed it and sat down next to me. "I can tell something bad happened. Oh, and did you know that my parents are out of town?" I nodded.

"I ran into Griffin." She snapped her head to me and turned her body so that it was completely facing me.

"That's really good, tell me everything!" She said with a smile.

"He was on a date with a girl named Izzy." Immediately she dropped her smile and frowned.

"That bitch!" She yelled.

Mr. Bad Boy BillionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora