chapter four: so into you

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okay, so this is hard to write but I'm just gonna go for it: this is a trigger warning. The chapter includes conversation about abuse. I don't typically like to include specific things or events that I myself have personally experienced but as part of the bigger, creative outline I had for this story, I chose to do that for this particular part of the characters and their journeys. I understand if it's not for everyone but I did so in an effort to help fully flesh out the story that I envision and with respect for the actual All American characterizations. ALLLL of that being said: I appreciate every read, comment and vote so please proceed if you wish. 


"I will take that laptop and throw it out the window, do not test me."

"Why are you so violent? I already told you everything, I promise." Olivia reached again for the computer that had been so rudely snatched out of her hands back from Ryan. Olivia loved her friend's interest in her life. After going such a long time feeling like she was the outsider or just simply walking through other people's stories and not her own, it was nice to have someone who cared so much and was truly interested in seeing Olivia be happy. Over the years, her family had also slowly joined that rank but having it in a best friend was a welcomed addition. That didn't mean she was going to pass up an opportunity to tease her though. 

"Ice cream doesn't take all afternoon, Baker. Especially if you're supposedly only talking about business. So spill it, or the computer gets it."

Out of options, Olivia decided to play dirty. "Ryan Jayde Alexander, if you don't give me my computer back, I swear I will email every one in this office about you the time we went for a hike at Runyon Canyon and you shit your pants because you thought it was just a fart." 

"You wouldn't dare." Ryan's eyes went wide in offense at the threat and use of her full name. Olivia knew how much Ryan hated her whole government being thrown out there.

"Oh, but I would," raising an eyebrow, Olivia remained stone faced and held out her hand to receive the computer that was now reluctantly being given back. 

"You're not right. I am your best friend, I deserve details, not your mean ass threats." Ryan huffed. She was a confident person but even that secret was too risky. That still wasn't going to stop her from pressing Olivia for more details. 

Rolling her eyes at Ryan's insistence, Olivia threw her hands up, "For the hundredth time, there are no extra details. We met for ice cream and talked. I think if anything maybe we can be cordial now and the interview will go well."

"Cordial? Thats it?"

"Yeah?" Olivia let out, confused as to why that was so shocking.

"Girl, if you don't let that man cordially undress your ass, I will reach out to him myself."

"Oh my god, okay, chill. We came to an understanding. It's better than it was and like I said, it's mostly for the interview. He's not as bad as I thought he was." Olivia shrugged, trying and failing to hold back the smile and blush creeping onto her face as she thought back to their time together. It wasn't that she didn't want to tell her best friend about the details, but she already felt a pull towards Spencer that she couldn't even describe herself. It was as if the ease of their conversations or the way she could feel her most relaxed self around him was something she wanted to protect. 

"Mhm. Well if you're going to keep up the just business front, then I guess I can't convince you otherwise. Yet. Just know, you deserve to have happiness. You deserve to have good people in your life, even if its just as a friend."

Offering a small smile, Olivia looked back to her best friend. "I appreciate it. But trust me, it's just business right now. Maybe we can even call it a friendship but I'm not gonna put too much pressure on anything."

"Sounds boring as hell but you know what, its your choice."

"Thank you, it is my choice" Olivia glanced at her watch, pretending to check the time and then stood to gather her things, a devious smile forming. "Just like it was my choice to ask him to see each other again and get coffee" she spat out in a rushed speed as she ran towards the exit of their shared cubicle before Ryan could respond or grab her, leaving her stunned best friend with her mouth opened and eyes wide. 

"OLIVIA RENEE, YOU ARE NOT SEEING HEAVEN!" Ryan yelled at Olivia's back from the chair she had rolled to the entry point. "Mind your business, Patrick." she held her hand up at the nosy writer across from her who was now staring at her after her outburst.

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