chapter eight: open

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shhhh, i'm still in the land of spencer/liv brainrot and that scene from monday...if you need me, i'll continue to be in the land of delusion because denial isnt just a river in egypt. 🥲 been trying to keep motivation to finish so thank you for reading💛


would you let it twist up all of your emotions?/what if you're curious and caught up in the moment?/do I got you way too open to be open?


Blinking her eyes open and a little confused about her surroundings at first, Olivia groggily lifted herself just slightly before looking down and seeing that her hand was pressing against Spencer's chest and that they had fallen asleep. The events of the previous day came to mind and caused her to stare at him for a few seconds while he slept. His face looked so peaceful and the gentle rise and fall of his chest brought her a sense of serenity. Then her brain turned on her and thoughts of the night before and her run in with Asher took hold of her mind. 

Healing wasn't linear. She'd learned that long ago at the beginning of her recovery journey. No matter how far, she knew that there was still a small part of her that was hurt by how things played out even though she no longer was in love with him. Moving on didn't mean that he hadn't hurt her. She'd been unhappy in the relationship for a long time but she had fooled herself into thinking that there was a future there and Asher smashed that. It took her a long time to come to terms with the idea that it wasn't her fault. That she deserved more and it was obvious that he wasn't meant to be the one to show her that. It became glaringly obvious as they kept getting closer, that Spencer was that person. The way he was so quick to choose her so easily and so soon made her her heart swell. It was a good feeling. 

It was also oddly calming to her that he was there with her. Usually it was easier or more preferred for her to internalize and handle things on her own. Though for some reason, when he was around, there was a feeling of peace that'd she grown to feel and appreciate. Last night definitely solidified that for her.  

Feeling his arm tighten around her waist, her lips turned up into a smile. She'd be content staying in this position forever. 

Letting her head fall back onto his chest, she hummed at the feel of his voice vibrating when he let out a sleepy, "good morning" as his thumb started gently rubbing her hip. 

"Morning" she smiled, lifting herself a little to kiss him. She pulled away slowly and smiled again. Spencer's laugh broke her out of her euphoric trance. "What?" she questioned, her eyebrows scrunching. 

"You snore really loud." he said, his laugh getting louder once he saw the look on her face.

"I do not" fully offended, she playfully hit his chest. 

"Okay." his eyes widened as he pursed his lips and looked away. 

"I do not snore." she said, her expression now as serious as she could muster.

"Okay. If you say so." he said, nodding his head mockingly. 

"I don't! Take that back" she said, maneuvering her body so was now straddling him. There was no way she snored. No one had ever even mentioned it to her. She damn sure wasn't doing it now, in front of him when she was still in the trying to be cute phase.

"You really want me to take back the truth?" he questioned. 

"It is not true, I do not snore. I'm literally the calmest sleeper ever."

"Tell that to my stomach. I got a knee to it about a hundred times last night."

Grabbing the throw pillow that had been tossed to their side, Olivia playfully hit him. "Whatever."

"You're cute when you pout."

"Shut up."  she blushed, looking away while slyly wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt his hand slowly make its way up her side, stopping to cup her chin and gently turn her face towards his. Olivia felt her breath hitch seeing his eyes again. 

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