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(the bathtub)

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Beth heard her father approaching before she even saw him round the corner into the office. His thick hiking boots and larger stature led to heavy footsteps that reverberated off the hard linoleum floors. She straightened as he approached, but was surprised to see Joyce Byers storming in in front of her father, clearly upset.

"Hey!" her voice softened with worry as she noticed her son was handcuffed as he sat between Beth and Nancy. "Jonathan?" Her gaze flitted over to Beth, who defeatedly held up her cuffed hands as well. "Elizabeth? Jesus, what...what happened?"

"Ma'am-" Callahan stood abruptly, starting to try to calm the distressed woman down.

"I'm fine," Jonathan said quickly, bowing his head.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?"

"And why is she also wearing handcuffs?" Beth's father added, looking at Beth in disbelief. Sure, she could be a pain in the ass sometimes, sneaking around with boys and staying out too late God knows where, but that was about it. Just the normal teenage shenanigans that, though he scolded her for, Hopper didn't really think were all that big of a deal. Beth was a good kid. Not one of those criminals he had to deal with at the station. But she sure as hell looked like it at the moment, sitting in the hard plastic chair with metal cuffs around her wrists, being carefully watched by Officer Callahan.

"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer," Officer Callahan said pointedly to Joyce before turning to his boss. "And Chief, I caught your daughter trying to steal a shotgun from the station."

"Take them off. Both of them."

"I am afraid I cannot do that."

"Take them off!" Joyce yelled, and Beth had to give Officer Callahan props for calm he remained. Whether he was actually being professional or if he was just tired from all the shit that Beth had given him earlier, Beth didn't know. It was impressive nonetheless to remain that mild when you had a woman yelling at you for doing your job.

Yeah, Beth understood that it was nothing personal, him slapping her in handcuffs. He was just doing what he had to do.

"You heard her. Take 'em off," Beth's father said assertively, causing Officer Callahan's eyebrows to raise in disbelief that he was backing up Joyce Byers.

"Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see," Officer Powell interrupted.

The two deputy officers walked with the police chief outside, where Jonathan's car was parked. The trio stayed out there for a few minutes, whilst Joyce kept on asking if Jonathan, Beth, and Nancy were all okay and if she could get them anything. Beth kept insisting that she was fine, thanks for asking, she really appreciated her being there for them. When the policemen entered the room again, Beth's father was straining to carry what appeared to be a very heavy cardboard box, a very unamused look on his face. He dropped it on the desk, a loud clattering sound ringing around the room as the metal hunting gear it contained hit against one another. Beth jumped in surprise at the sudden noise.

𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐧 [s. harrington]Where stories live. Discover now