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I think that i can't get you in this life..
I don't have any reason to survive...
Even though I love you very much
But i can't bring myself to come to you or just personally tell you once that I love you more than i can explain more than i love myself..
I want to be by your side until I die..
But i just don't have the courage to do so..
I think you deserve someone better than me who is far better than me.. And its not that you love me but i really love you alot I'll always do..
I'll be leaving very soon with the hope that..
We'll be together until we die
Maybe in another life...

To my sunshine..
I really love you❤


Tears streamed down hoseoks face
He didn't know what he should do..
How should he stop the unknown person he is in love with to stay..
What should he do to find that man...
He wanted to tell the person that he loves him so much... Why is he doing this to him after making him fall for him

What do you mean by this that you're leaving without me not even knowing your name.... How shall I tell you that I'm in love with you.. I just want to be yours in this life in another life and in every life I get born on this planet... I I just want to be in your embrace just once...
Please don't leave me...

Hoseok cried like hell after he got this note...

Maybe in another life... [sope]Where stories live. Discover now