Josie Kent

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TW: Mention of Suicide Attempt

Lois Lane and Clark Kent were prepared for the birth of their twin boys, Jonathan and Jordan. What they weren't prepared for was the fact that it was actually triplets, two boys and one girl. The one girl, Josie, wasn't exactly like her brothers, as she suffered from partial paralysis in her right leg. Thus meaning she had to use a crutch, every single day of her life, which in turn took a toll on her mental stability...this was something the Kents could've never prepared for.

Josie, Age Six:

It was hard for Josie to find something to keep her busy, as she always got bored really fast. That being said, the past month had been different. One night, she picked up on the fact that her father was always leaving at random times and when she'd ask why, Lois and Clark would lie. Josie knew when they were lying, as there was always a look of guilt on Clark's face and slight change in his voice.With that being said, Josie occupied herself by hiding and watching her father every time he was in the kitchen.

This night specifically, Josie knew she was going to figure out the secret. Climbing out of bed, she gently grabbed her crutch and began slowly walking out of her room. Making it to the stairs, she gently sat down in the shadows and waited for her dad to get home. When he did, she sat her elbows on her knees and placed her head in her hands. Like normal, Clark set his things down and began to do the dishes from dinner. After doing so, he spun around and wiped his hands on a towel. Holding that same towel, he took his glasses off and wiped his face.

"Superman," Josie whispered in amazement.

Clark's head shot up at the sound of his daughters voice. Josie's eyes widened out of shock, as her elbows slipped off her knees. She fell forward and came tumbling down the stairs.

"Josie, what are you doing?" Clark said, as he rushed to his daughters aid.

"Ow," Josie held onto her elbow "you've been lying to me, so I've been trying to figure out your secret," Josie looked up at her father.

"And? What's my secret?" Clark hoped that he didn't hear her say Superman.

"You're Superman," Josie smiled.

Sighing, Clark scooped Josie up in his arms. He walked her up the stairs and grabbed her crutch. From there he took Josie into his and Lois' room. Although Lois was sound asleep, he knew he needed her help explaining things to Josie.

"Lois," Clark sat Josie on the bed.

"Hmm," Lois groaned.

"This is important and I need you up,"

Lois' eyes quickly shot open and she sat up. Looking over at Josie, she thought something was wrong.

"Is Josie okay?" Lois began inspecting her daughter.

"She's, how do I put this?" Clark sighed.

"Mommy, did you know daddy is Superman?" Josie smiled.

Looking up at Clark, Lois felt her heart jump out of her chest. This was the last thing they needed to deal with.

" does she know?" Lois asked.

"She was spying on me," Clark looked over at Josie "I guess she saw me when I took off my glasses,"

"Is that true?" Lois looked at Josie.

"Yep...I've been getting out of bed for almost a month to find out your secret," Josie smiled.

Lois put her head in her hands, as she took in a deep breath. All Clark could do was smile over at his daughter. She definitely knew what dedication was.

"Listen can't tell anyone about this," Lois said, grabbing Josie's arms.

"I won't," Josie smiled.

"No, I mean no one...not even Jordan or Jon, okay?"

"Why can't they know?" Josie frowned.

"It's not safe, okay? Just please keep this secret for us...please,"

Josie, Age 10:

Josie sat at the dinner table with her family, enjoying breakfast. It was summer break and everyone had plans to go out...except for Josie.

"Alright, Jordan and Jon, you'll be at Nicks house, right?" Lois asked.

"Yeah," The boys said in unison.

"And Josie, you'll be at...I don't think you ever told me," Lois looked at her daughter.

"I'll be here," Josie smiled.

"Why don't you go hang out with your friends?"

Josie looked down at her plate, knowing that she didn't have any friends. At one point she did, but she learned they were her friends out of pity.

"What friends?" Josie asked, moving food around her plate.

Clark and Lois looked at each other, as they both felt a pain in their hearts. The last thing Clark wanted was for his daughter to not fit in, just like when he was a kid.

"Then maybe you can go hang out with your brothers," Clark suggested.

"We're actually going biking, with Nick," Jon said.

"I'm fine, okay...I'll just stay home and enjoy my own company," Josie got up and made her way back up to her room.

Josie, Age 13:

Lois held onto her daughter, who intensely sobbed into her arms. A large bottle of pills was spilled across the bathroom floor and Lois' phone sat next to her. The only other sound that could be heard was Lois, who was also crying. After Josie didn't answer her phone, Lois made her way home. She knew she could've just missed the call, but this time didn't feel right. Luckily she was there, as the young girl was just seconds away from ingesting a bottle of Lois' medicine.

"I just want to die, mom," Josie cried into her mothers arms.

Lois didn't know what to say, as she only hoped that either the ambulance or Clark would hurry up and show. She knew Josie had been going through an intense mental battle, but she didn't know it was this bad.

"Lois," Clark yelled, as he rushed up to the bathroom.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Clark could only cry himself. Motioning for Lois to move away, Clark picked up Josie and carried her down to the couch. She continued to cry up until the paramedics showed up and gave her some medication to calm down.

"She'll be okay, Lois...she'll be okay," Clark said, as they watched their daughter be loaded into the back of the truck.

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