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As Denki began to toss and turn in the comfort of his bed, his achy body woke him up, causing the boy to leave his restful slumber and rise to the real world. His eyes felt heavy as they opened, processing the surroundings he was in. Denki groaned a bit as he turned to his side, unable to stabilize his upset stomach, he almost never had belly issues such as this, his body had always been good at digesting food and he himself was very good at chewing all of it.

Not only did the boy's stomach ache with pain, his head also shared the same feeling. Agonizing it was.

Suddenly, Denki's temperature rose, causing him to sweat and kick off his black and white gridded comforter. He continued to roll around, hoping it would make him feel even the slightest better but, it failed to do so. He could now feel his throat growing dry and parched, the boy kept swallowing to make the painful feeling disappear but didn't seem to work. The blonde boy could feel his stomach grow more tight and uncomfortable but he still had yet to get rid of the feeling.



Twenty-three minutes had passed and Denki still couldn't make himself feel any better. His bed and pillow were now drenched with sweat and his comforter was fully on the ground, he was ready to cry due to how terrible he felt but before he could committee to doing so, the biter taste of acidic saliva mixed with bile pooled up in the boys mouth, he knew he needed to get into the bathroom.

Pushing himself up off his memory foam mattress was a difficult task yet he somehow managed to do it, and do it quickly. Once Denki got onto his feet, his head spun and his balance started to become uneven, he was dizzy.

Finally making it to the bathroom, one shaky step after the other, his knees met the ground as he gently sat himself down. No time was wasted while sitting, he flung open the toilet lid and hunched over the seat, his body heaving forward suddenly as he got sick. Puke hit the water in the toilet bowl as the poor boy closed his eyes, hoping this wouldn't last long, but sadly...it did.



Denki emptied his stomach for over an hour and was now exhausted from all the stress and work he put into letting it all out. The boy was now ready to sleep this illness off and hopefully wake up feeling better. The bathroom light clicked off as Denki made his way back to the comfort of his bed, the boy's head was running a high fever but he had little interest as to getting the thermometer out. He was just going to sleep for the rest of the night and pray that he wouldn't have to puke again. 

Sick Blonde and Purple Caretaker - A BNHA SickficWhere stories live. Discover now