Foggy Mind and Stomachache

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10: 41am


Finally, the three boys approached the dorms, both still holding up Denki.

"Alright Kaminari, we're here. Shinso will take it from here, seeing that I still have to help teach. Can you take care of him, Shinso?" Aziawa said, as the boy with the purple hair nodded.

Denki had never felt so happy to see his bed, he was ready to fall asleep and never wake up, to not be bothered and to be cuddled by his beloved boyfriend. Shinso practically dragged Denki into his room, helping him climb onto his bed to rest.

A soft hand met the boy's burning forehead, as his blonde hair got swept out of his face.

"Babe you have a fever...when did you start to feel sick?" Shinso had ciriotisity, wondering if the sick Denki was feeling this way before they left to ground bata.

"Um...I threw up in the middle of the night. And again in the morning before I left for school so....I've felt it almost all day." Denki looked down in shame, waiting for Shinso to tell him off but instead, all he gained was a soft smile.

"You went because you didn't want to miss that that right?" The purple haired boy also had to take the same test that day, so he knew the reasoning behind why his boyfriend would go to school, even in the conditions he was in.

"Yeah. I knew my grade would drop if I didn't take it" Denki rubbed his sleepy eyes along with a big yawn, signaling to Shinso that he needed a nap.

"Alrighty then, it's alright. Now let's take a nap, okay? I know you're tired sweetie" Shinso said, ruffling Denki's thick blonde hair.



The two fell asleep together, dozing off into peaceful dreams for a good hour until someone's stomach became upset and woke him up. The sick boy unpleasantly opened his heavy, tired eyes and began to toss and turn, he knew he should probably awake his sleeping boyfriend but he didn't want him to lose his quiet rest. Sadly after a little over 5 minutes, Denki shook Shinso awake.

"B-babe?" Denki said softly.

"What is it love?" Shinso opened his eyes, looking over at the blonde as he examined him for issues.

"M-my stomach hurts" Shinso sighed, knowing the outcome of Denki's sentence and with knowing that he stood up, walking over to Denki's side of the bed and looking down at him.

"Let's get you into the bathroom...okay?" The boy nodded and off they went, another wonderful trip to the bathroom where Denki would for the fourth time throw up.

The sick boy had a foggy mind, making him not be able to think straight as he stood up, it was hard to get him into the bathroom but somehow Shinso managed to get Denki there. 

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