Battlefield fall

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The loud sound of Meteor Shower by Cavetown playing as Denki's alarm was usually Denki's favorite part of the day but on this rainy morning, it was the worst part of his day. The boy was definitely not feeling better as he awoke, in fact, he felt worse...WAY worse. By now he could tell he had a fever mixed with the lovely stomach ache he had earlier that night but, the boy knew he had a test today and felt the need to attend school, regardless of his health conditions. As he hauled himself up, beginning to get ready for a long school day, he felt his stomach twist into a knot. Looks like he needed to throw up again.

He dragged himself into the bathroom and leaned over the sink, thinking that the pain would pass but no. It didn't pass. Quickly turning to the side he leaned over the toilet and emptied his stomach once more, trying to catch his breath when he had a moment to rest. Saliva dripped off his lips as he finished, he looked at the time, 7:55, school started at 8...fuck I'm gonna be late. Denki said in his head, wiping off the excess puke.



As the blonde boy tried to sneak himself into class 1-A he was stopped by Mr. Aizawa in the doorway.

"You're 17 minutes late Kaminari. Where have you been?" The older man said with his usual exhausted tone.

"I'm so sorry I was....I overslept" Denki's lie was one of the usual lies people would use in situations like this, not the best but it would have to do for now.

"Well...alright then. Just take your seat."

With one wipe of sweat off of Denki's forehead, he took his seat and began his studies.



"Alright class, that's all the math we'll be doing for today. Please gear up and meet me at ground bata. We'll be doing some training exercises."

The class cheered to the words Mr. Aizawa spoke of, everyone except for the sick blonde. Denki knew something was starting to bubble up in his stomach for a third time but he wasn't sure how long it would take before it all came up.



With everyone changed into their costumes and gear, they were ready to fight each other in hopes that they'd win.

"Ok so, class 1-B will be joining our training today in preparation for the upcoming tests. Present Mic and I will be choosing two of you at random to battle against each other using the usual rules. Everyone understand?" Mr. Aizawa spoke in a clear voice as everyone nodded.

The blonde boy's eyes grew weary and tired while his body fell weak and sleepy. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to last the rest of the class or if he'd be able to power through it like he'd been planning. As long as my name doesn't get picked to fight then I should be fine...besides my name never gets pi- Denki's thinking was cut off by the voice of Present Mic.

"And...Kaminari! You'll be up first against...Todoroki!"

Well fuck.

The two boys faced each other in the fighting area, basically just one large circle that declared what was out of bonus and what was in bonus. It was like an imaginary ring. Denki could feel something was off, but it wasn't because he was was something else that put the blonde's mind in a foggy trans. He tried to brush it off and focus on a good attack move, he didn't want to seem suspicious by striking a shitty attack, let him make the first move then go at him with Lighting Strike. He planned the move just right and within seconds, Aizawa's hand was raised, preparing itself to be let down so the match could start.

Shoto made his first move, and fast. He threw ice at the blonde and blocked any first attacks Denki would try to pull, but soon, the two went at each other and for only a few minutes, not even making it a full 10. Denki's eyes began to roll into the back of his head, showing off his pale and green face, he looked towards his teacher, seeking for help and assistance.

"M-Mr. Aizawa...I-I I'm gonna....." The boy fell to the ground, but just as quickly as he fell, Shinso swooped in to catch him and prevent any fatal injuries.

"DENKI!!!" Shinso yelled, holding the boy in his arms.



As Aizawa and Present Mic rushed over to help the situation, Denki's eyes opened slightly, just enough for him to see his lovely boyfriend hunching over his sick body.

"I-I feel like throwing up," Denki said looking deep into the purple haired boy's eyes.

"Let's get Kaminari back to his dorm. Class, Present Mic will be taking over class for the rest of the day. Shinso, help me get him up" Mr. Aizawa was always good in moments like these, not only was he a good teacher...he was a great caretaker too, always making sure his students felt comfortable and taken care of.

Denki stood up slowly with the help of Shinso and Aizawa, the feeling of puke raised to the top of his throat once more as his stomach churned with embarrassment and his breakfast.



"S-Shinso?" He said barely even being able to talk.

"Yeah?" Shinso's tone was kind and reassuring for the boy, it made him feel comfortable being around him.

"I-I really....n-need to....throw up" Denki tried to resist the urge to lean forward but it was too difficult, his body slowly started to fold at a 90° angle.

"We've walked far enough to where the class wouldn't see you. If you feel like you can't make it back you can throw up here, Kaminari. It's alright." Mr. Aizawa had kindly said to Denki.

They had walked far away from the two classes, Denki had been holding back his stomach acid for long enough and the boy knew he wouldn't be able to make it to the dorms. With that he leaned over fully, gaging harshly once, and letting out the stored up puke.

It was official, Denki was very sick.

Sick Blonde and Purple Caretaker - A BNHA SickficWhere stories live. Discover now