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One perfect phrase
Just one promised song
But what three words can do

To have one love forever
And one love alone
My now and forever with you

Now and forever
I will show you that I care
We'll build ourselves a home

And if these word are perfect
We'll build it right there
A love now and forever my own

Now and forever
We'll have a little world in
Which our dreams will come true
A now and forever will be new

Then they'll ask me how I knew
And it's simple,
It's not the moment
but the moments we call home

Now and forever
Your heart is true
That's how I knew it was you
I'll now and forever be yours

Do you take this hand?
Now and forever
Do you take this song?
Now and forever

Will you -
No, I mean
Do you?
I do... now and forever. ❜

Oh love, now
We will grow old together
Cold and hot together

And as lovers do
We'll try our best together
Building up together

We'll be a pair forever
Learning to share forever
It's now and forever

Now and forever
Surely as the moon rises
As far as the oceans roar
I'll love you in a way that
No one will ever
Be able to compare

I'll now and forever be yours

You'll now and forever be mine

A promise to you

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