New Job

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Ada Cirillo pov

I wait a few minutes before I think it's safe to come out because I have a spare black hoodie in my locker which I successfully change into but then I see the detective from earlier.
She notices me and she hears my locker door slam shut when I get my books ready for class and walks over so I try to walk off but she calls out to me.

Fuck me now I think to myself worrying if she saw my hoodie sleeves earlier.

"Excuse me, sorry for holding you up but would you mind helping us with something? We got permission to take someone out of class to help us and I thought I'd ask you" the blonde cop lady says which I just say yes to because it'll get me out of Math with Mr Friedrichs... he's a little but creepy but I'll have to see him after class to get my homework.

"Um yeah sure" I say as a response and she looks like I made her happy I said yes.
I'm just relieved she hasn't said nothing bout my hoodie yet thankfully.... Actually I think I just jinxed myself because she's looking at me a little funny now.

"Hun, I know you don't know me but you do know you can trust me with stuff going on right" she says and I realise she has an accent... it's actually very calming and makes me feel safe.

Rollins pov

The Young girl is stood in front of me and I see a look in her face that I've seen many times before... the one of being lost in thought as to whether or not they can or should trust me.

"Nah everything's all good. I have a sad that loves me so I don't see why anything could suck because all I need is my dad" she says after silence for a few minutes.
Damn I hoped she'd open up to me because I saw her jumper earlier but I have no reason to force her to talk so I'll just keep an eye on her for a while.

We walk off to go to the auditorium where my team are setting up and I tell her that her and I will be setting up the seats together as I know it'll give us some time alone to chat and I can try get to know a few small details about her.

"So, where are you from" she asks distrusting the silence...
"I'm from Loganville, Georgia" I reply as she looks at me with a surprised look on her face....
"My dad said that my mum grew up in Loganville and was friends with a 'blonde babe' as he calls her but apparently her name was Kim something" she says but her smile disappears when she realises the face I pulled...
Kim? As in my Kim?
"Kim Rollins?" I ask with the confused tone very evident.
"Actually yeah that's the name... I've seen it written in my mums diary that she wrote in about how much she missed home"

Shit is she Camilla's daughter? I know Kim had a friend named Camilla who got pregnant with her toxic boyfriend and ran away because she didn't want him around the baby but nobody heard anything from her after she left and soon enough we learnt about the guy having left a few days after her too.

"Oh ok nice, Kim is I my sister it's just I don't really know much about her friends" I say half telling the truth but also lying at the same time. I just have to figure some things out first before I tell her"

We soon start the seminar of teaching the kids about our jobs and what we do.

~~~ TIME SKIP ~~~

"Hey Ada wanna help me pack up?" I call out to her as I see her in the entry way of the auditorium.
"Yeah sure" she says back in which I pick up on the perk in her voice having been asked to hang out again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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