Part Thirteen : July, 1976. More Letters and a Dream Diary. The facts of life

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Letters btwn. Monsieur Moony and Monsieur Padfoot throughout July of 1976

Dear Moony,

Hello! How are you? I hope you're having a lovely summer, the weather is very fine here and we are having fun.
Not as much fun as last summer of course because we are both working which is why it's taken so long to write.
James is repairing broomsticks and I am working at a Muggle pub in the village. It's great fun but Muggle drinks are wicked and I’ve started dressing like one of them which James thinks is hilarious. Apparently it is high fashion to wear dog collars!! Of course I have taken it up. I've met a fantastic girl too, her name is Sophie and she's visiting from France. She's gorgeous and loads of fun. You'd really like her, she reads scads of books and she's refreshing me on my French everything, ho ho.

Anyway, I hope you are having a great summer! Talk to you soon.



Sounds like you all are having lots of fun. When is Peter coming to visit? I'm still surprised his mum is letting him go, seeing as how you and James are two of the filthiest boys on the planet. Still, it would seem he has all the luck.

I'm still trying to convince my mum and dad to let me come but the jury is still out on that one. Not so sure about
the probability of a pleasant verdict, either.

Sophie sounds very nice.



She is very nice.

Peter is coming around the 24th I think and probably armed with enough antibacterial charms to drop a Chimaera.

I don't mind as it makes him smell always very fresh.

Tell your parents that if you don't come your friends will become illiterate, so we need your influence to avoid being expelled. Make sure you come at the same time Peter does, because then we could all knock about a bit together since it'll probably be our last chance to have a summer free with the lot of us.
I bet you've already done your summer reading. Is it interesting or should I put it off forever as usual?



You know very well neither of you is illiterate. You procrastinate, yes, and therein lies the secret of your eventual

I liked the books. I don't think you will. One of them is very long and if you want I can give you a summary. It's
about the events leading up to a war rather than the war itself so I'm nearly sure you'll fall asleep on the first page
and then it will have drool on it and what a waste of a good book.

Will Sophie be around for the knocking around a bit?

I suppose this is the sort of thing that gets asked so what does she look like?



Of course you liked them, I should think that would be obvious. The one you have described sounds horrific but I will not ask you to sacrifice your precious time summarizing it for me as probably I will just drool on your summaries anyway. What are you DOING anyway other than school reading and avoiding a visit, you depress me.

She'll definitely be around! She's that sort of girl, always up for a bit of fun and she's dead sociable so she gets on
with everyone. You two would get on like a house on fire though that expression is mystifying.

She's gorgeous, honestly, like a Muggle film star, so I can't figure out why she's picked up with someone like me
(other than the obvious good looks, charm, overflowing bank vault, motorbike etc.) Big dark eyes and a sweet little mouth and silky brown hair, and she's the perfect height right up to my eyes, and curvy but not, you know,
too curvy, and she smells fantastic all the time. No McGoogles by a long shot but a bit of all right. Don't let me
keep on I will start to sound like Prongs.

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