Part Fifteen: September, 1976. Two Letters From France, Two Newspaper Clippings

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Part Fifteen:
September, 1976. Two Letters From France, Two Newspaper Clippings, Five Photographs, And Secret Adventures.

 Two Letters From France, Two Newspaper Clippings, Five Photographs, And Secret Adventures

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The answer to the question 'Is Lily still mad at me,' James has discovered, is a resounding 'Yes

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The answer to the question 'Is Lily still mad at me,' James has discovered, is a resounding 'Yes.' Girls have this
astonishing power, James will later relate to Remus and Peter and Sirius and anyone who makes the mistake of
saying hello to him, to ignore all logic, reason, sense both common and uncommon, and simple human kindness, and to hold onto one tiny little mistake, milking it like a gigantic cow. James spends most of his meeting with
Dumbledore and Lily boggling at her, mouth hanging open, like a dead fish. She, on the other hand, keeps her eyes coolly in front of her. It's as if he's not even there. It's as if he's not even alive.

He might as well be a dead fish, and she's doing a fantastic job of not even acknowledging the smell. At one point, while Dumbledore is going on and on and on and on about their duties, James wants to get up and make faces directly in front of her.

That'll show her, he thinks. She won't be able to ignore him then.

However, it may not further his assertion that he really isn't a madman.

"And as I was saying, Mr. Potter," Dumbledore continues, "the reason I have chosen you for Head Boy is for the
incredible qualities of leadership exhibited earlier, when, under circumstances that cannot of course be here divulged, you saved Severus Snape's life."

Lily's eyes almost pop out of her head.

James ponders proposing to Dumbledore right here, right now, ring be damned.

"He did what," Lily says, in a shrill tone of voice that on anyone else would have been extremely unattractive.

"Miss Evans, I believe I made it clear that the circumstances of Mr. Potter's actions are not -- Mr. Potter, pray at
least pretend to pay attention -- are not for public consumption. For various reasons--" he slides a glance at James
over the top of his glasses, sharp but benign "of which I'm certain you are aware, Mr. Potter, it would probably be
best not to divulge them. Even, perhaps, to assuage the no-doubt considerable qualms of your co-head."

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