Welcome to my life

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aria pov

Another early day started so I can get all the chores done before my stepmother wakes up. In hope that can I can get all my chores done before its time to wake my sisters for in hopes that I will make it to school my self and I can't miss single day or I wont be allow to go to the prom. I have made sure that everything is done and finish as nice as i can and everything done i without delay and without attitude just so i can get decent dress for the prom.

Stepmother said that if everything goes according to plan i might be able to go. it was time to get my stepmother and stepsister breakfast ready. so i went down to the kitchen to make their food and their tea I went back up stairs to my sisters room and pulled back the curtians " wake up lisa and colly " i say waking over to them with their tea. " aggg why do i have to wake up to your ugly faces everyday?" says lisa " and she still smells its killing me and my beauty sleep" says colly.

Time goes on and its time to go to school i have to walk while my sisters drive they never drive me they always say that if i ever get in the their car or even touch they would hurt me and hit me 20xs even thought they tell to clean their car all the time. so when I hot to school I went to go find my bestie Seraphina I've known her since 3rd grade. I found her in are usuak spot that was under a tree on capus. "Hey girl what?" I say as I walk up to her, "Hey how is your morning? Did you get Mr.Psycos work done?" I looked at her and nodded just as the first bell rang to go to first period." Well we better get going?" We started walking to my locker and next minute I know, I was on the floor knock over with a guy on top of me.

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