Part 3 - That Bully

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"Let go of me"


"Please, just let go of me"

"I refuse"

"Let go!"  

Lillia pushed Sakamaki Raito away from her, who in return chuckled as if she wasn't scolding him at all. "Aww, come on. Shuu hasn't laid a hand on you, right?" Raito said, folding his arms. She clenched her jaw and glared at him. Raito raised his hands up in the air and chuckled again, his eyes glinting with amusement. "All right then. Suit yourself" he said and turned to walk away, only to stop just to blow her a kiss. "Don't think this isn't over yet" he said sweetly, then he continued on walking. Lillia leaned on the wall and sighed. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, thinking back about everything that has occurred these past two weeks after being Shuu's 'property'. Sure, the reports about the girls being attacked had decreasedIt only decreased. In other words, the attacks are still occurring, even when she is already a property of the eldest of the Sakamaki family. 

She opened her eyes and looked out of the window opposite her. The sky was getting dark, which indicated that it is time for her to make dinner. After that exchange with Raito earlier, Lillia felt her stomach turn. Ever since she became Shuu's 'property', not only the vampires lessened, but apparently the Sakamaki siblings took a sudden interest with her. Raito starts to boldly harass her and touch her, Subaru kept on giving her a look of disdain, Kanato will always seem to be wary of her, clutching on to his teddy bear whenever she gets near and Reiji, the only vampire that is able to hold a conversation with her now only let out a sigh and give her a look of pity(though it looked more to patronising than pity to her) whenever they meet. Meanwhile, the man who started all this himself will always be found sleeping on the sofa or just in his bedroom, listening to his music.   

She walked to the kitchen, ready to prepare dinner. She was greeted by a furry brown creature on the dining table. "Stephano?" she said out of instinct, and as if it heard her, its ears twitched. She walked over to the other side of the dining table to gaze into its dark green eyes. "I have always thought of this when I first saw you. Your eyes are just too beautiful" she said, stroking the cat. Stephano purred, pleased by her attention that it made her chuckle. She felt restless during these past two weeks, but Stephano's presence just lightened up her mood. Well, I love cats. She wanted it to get off the dining table when she heard footsteps behind her.   


She turned around and was startled upon seeing the source of the voice. Sakamaki Subaru was standing in front of her, unsmiling as always. She blinked in confusion. "Yes?" she asked politely. "I wasn't talking to you. I meant the cat" he said, his red eyes studying something behind her. "Stephano?" she turned to look at Stephano, mildly embarrassed by his remark. Stephano let out a meowing sound and jumped off the dining table. "Come" Subaru said, beckoning to Stephano. Is Subaru the owner of Stephano? she thought as Stephano walked over to Subaru, causing the bell on his wine-red collar to jingle. It wasn't until it was in Subaru's arms reach that Stephano ran over to Lillia. Lillia instinctively caught him as it jumped into her arms, only for it to cuddle her. She let out a smile and Stephano licked her fingers with his small tongue. It then let out another meowing sound and returned to its master.   

She was still smiling when her gaze met with Subaru's. He was giving her the look of disdain again. Wait, no. Upon looking into his eyes closely, he wasn't giving her a look of disdain. It was his face. His eyebrows were scrunched together to the center due to his scowling and he looked like he was gritting his teeth. At first glance, it looked like he's angry. But his eyes that was half-hidden by his bangs showed a different story. His eyes were much kinder than his expression and it seemed - this made her heart skipped a beat - that his eyes reflects a certain kind of sadness and loneliness than even she could not bear. "Have you always looked like this?" she asked softly without thinking. She clamped her mouth, horrified by her sudden boldness towards the younger man.   

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