Part 21 - Night Session I

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Lillia sat on the floor, the toilet seat gaping at her.

She had an urge to vomit a few minutes ago, but when she saw the toilet seat, her nausea faded away. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. What is wrong with me?

It was not a right way to start her day. It was the first day that the ‘night session’ began, yet Lillia greeted it by feeling nauseous once she set foot on the school grounds.

Lillia opened her eyes and stood up, brushing imaginary dust on her skirt. She took a glance at her wristwatch and saw that she still had a few minutes till the warning bell. Lillia took a few slow steps towards the sink, the wave of nausea coming back again.

She saw her reflection on her mirror and saw that she looked awful. Her red hair was a mess and she looked a bit green. She grabbed a sheet of paper towel and rinsed it with cold water. She then placed it on her face, in hopes that she would cool down and make the nausea to go away.

Lillia heard someone pushing the washroom entrance door and immediately took the paper towel away from her face. She did not want anyone to know of her condition, even if that person was a complete stranger. Lillia turned on the tap and pretended to wash her hands.

“So this is where you disappeared to!” a familiar voice said from behind her.

Lillia looked at the mirror and saw Anise’s reflection, her hands on her hips as she watched Lillia with a look mixed with worry and exasperation.

“I was looking all over for you! Don’t get me started with the Sakamaki siblings, they didn’t even give me the look of the day!” Anise blabbed as she walked over to Lillia to stand beside her. Anise turned on the tap beside Lillia’s and used her wet hand to smoothen her fringe.

“Are you okay? Ever since you saw the class list a few days ago, you seem to be out of it, considering you also fainted” Anise said, meeting Lillia’s eyes in the mirror. Lillia immediately averted her gaze and scrubbed her hand with soap as if her hands were full of unwanted germs. She just had to remind me that I fainted right in front of others.

“I’m totally fine. I just seem to be under the weather lately. Must be the flu that’s been going around” Lillia said lightly before smiling at Anise.

Anise nodded slowly, wearing a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, never thought of that. I guess I have yet to receive my turn to get sick in this season” Anise joked. Lillia playfully punched her arm when she heard Anise’s remark.

“Don’t jinx it yourself” Lillia scolded, Anise smirking in reply to her words.

Lillia looked around her and scratched her head in puzzlement. “Where’s Rina?”

“Oh, she’s at the library. ‘Wanted to borrow a book’, she says. We promised to meet at the cafeteria after this” Anise said absent-mindedly, still smoothing her fringe.

“Well, I will take my leave, then. I have been in the washroom long enough” Lillia excused herself and turned to the door.

“You know, Lillia, I was honestly surprised that you were placed in the night session” Anise said.

Lillia stopped in her tracks and whirled around. “What?”

“Oh, no. I have to pee. Must be the cold weather today” Anise said and took quick steps towards the nearest toilet cubicle.

“Wait, Anise!” Lillia tried to stop her friend, but Anise already closed the door of the toilet cubicle.

“Later, Lillia!” Anise shouted in response.

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