Chapter 6

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                Y/n POV 

*Time Skip* 

It has been a very long time since Tamayo and I escaped Muzan. Over the course of time since that day, Tamayo and I started a small doctor's office in Asakusa. Tamayo managed to turn one boy, Yushiro, into a demon. I walked with Tamayo and Yushiro down the busy streets in Asakusa when a man turned into a demon. I gasped while Yushiro stood in front of Tamayo and I. There was a lot of yelling, but a boy with reddish colored hair tackled the newly turned demon and began to yell his intentions towards Muzan.

The police officers began to threaten the boy and had begun to raise their clubs, but Tamayo acted quickly and used her blood demon art. The boy looked around slightly panicked at the flowers surrounding him, "Boy..." Tamayo started, "You still call him a man even though he is a demon.." The boy looked at us confused, but realized that we were demons. The boy grew tense, "Do not worry... For we hate Muzan Kibutsuji as much as you." The boy looked shocked. I raised my head, "Boy, you should get out of here for now. We will take care of the man and his wife." The boy nodded and took off.

We ended up taking the man and his wife to where we stay. "Yushiro? Can you do Tamayo and I a favor?" Yushiro nodded, "What do you need Lady Y/n?" I smiled, "Can you bring us the boy?" Yushiro nodded, "Yes ma'am!" I chuckled and began to tend to the hurt woman. I looked at Tamayo, "That boy... He kind of looks like Yorichi doesn't he?" Tamayo nodded, "And if I remember this correctly, they have the same earrings." I nodded.

"Lady Y/n! Lady Tamayo! I bought the boy with his sister!" I tilted my head, 'Sister?' The boy walked in with a demon, who I assume is his sister. "Hello there, what is your name?" The boy smiled, "My name is Tanjiro Kamado! This is my sister Nezuko!" I smiled, "Welcome!" The boy blushed, and Yushiro hit Tanjiro on the head, "Don't look at Lady Y/n like that!" Tamayo spoke, "Yushiro, don't hit him." Yushiro jumped back, "Yes Lady Tamayo!"

Tanjiro looked at Tamayo and I, "Does it bother you to be around human blood if you are doctors?" Yushiro hit Tanjiro on the head again, so I sent him a stern look. Tamayo shook her head, "No it isn't. I only need a little blood to sustain me, and Yushiro needs even less then me. Y/n doesn't need any blood because she doesn't eat people." Tanjiro looked shocked, "Ms.Y/n, you really have never eaten a person?" I smiled, "Yes, it is true I have never eaten a person."

I clapped my hands together, "As you know, we do not support Muzan." Tanjiro raised his hand, "May I ask how you escaped him?" I nodded and smiled, "We ended up having to modify our bodies to fully rid our selfs of the curse." Tamayo spoke, "With Yushiro however, I was actually the one who turned him into a demon." Tanjiro looked shocked, "Though we had his consent to even try. It took us 250s to even get it right." Tanjiro looked even more shocked, "Ms.Tamayo, how old are you and Ms.Y/n exactly?!" Yushiro hit Tanjiro again, "Never question a lady about her age!" Tanjiro let out a quick apology, "Yushiro, don't hit him." Yushiro saluted, "Yes Lady Y/n!"

Tanjiro was in thought for a moment when he asked, "Wait, if you were able to turn someone into a demon, does that mean you can reverse it?" I looked at Tanjiro, "I'm sorry but we don't know how," Tanjiro looked depressed at that, "But! If you are will to get the blood of demons closely related to Muzan, we might be able to make a medicine to turn Nezuko back." Tanjiro looked excited, "Really?!" I nodded, "But know that these demons are powerful. It won't be an easy task." Tanjiro nodded, "I'm willing to do whatever it take to make Nezuko-" Yushiro grabbed Tamayo and I, "Get down!"

A tamari ball flew through the window and began to smash the place. Tanjiro pulled out his sword when a tamari flew and destroyed Yushiro's head. "Yushiro!" Tamayo gently held him and I walk over to Tanjiro, "We have to get out of the building, Tanjiro." Tanjiro nodded and went outside. I helped Tamayo carry Yushiro's body outside and went behind a damaged wall to protect us from the flying tamari balls. 

Yushiro's head began to regenerate, "Lady Tamayo! Lady Y/n! I told you I still haven't perfected my Blood demon art! The more people here, the more risk of being found!" The two demons heard what Yushiro said, "Tamayo? As in the traitor Tamayo? If we brought her head with us we might get more blood!" The demon with his eyes shut spoke as well, "And the demon the master wants. Y/n, if we bring her alive we'll get even more of his blood."

Yushiro was quick to stand in front of me and Tamayo, "Boy! Can you not see the arrows?!" Tanjiro looked confused, "What arrows?" Yushiro sighed, "I'll lend you my sight." Yushiro threw a piece of paper towards Tanjiro. Tanjiro nodded, "Thank you Yushiro!" Tanjiro looked at Nezuko, "Can you fight the demon over there?" Tanjiro pointed towards the tamari demon. Nezuko nodded, "Okay Nezuko! I'm counting on you!" 

At first, when Nezuko tried to kick the tamari ball it sliced her leg off, but now she was kicking it back in the direction of the tamari demon. "Nezuko is gaining so much strength on her own!" I nodded, "But if this goes on any longer she might lose." Tamayo scratched her arm and released her blood demon art. Tamayo trick the demon into saying Muzan's name. Tanjiro crawled back towards us, and after praying for the demon, came to join us in the basement. After Nezuko hugged Tanjiro, she ran toward Tamayo and I and hugged us, "Don't you have to be human for her to recognize you as one of her family members?" Tanjiro smiled, "Well Nezuko recognizes you all as humans!" Tamayo and I began to cry and hug Nezuko closer to us. Nezuko was hugging us and giving Yushiro headpats when I decided to let go. I smiled, "Come here Tanjiro. I'll heal you with my blood demon art." Tanjiro looked a little shocked, "You can heal people Ms.Y/n?" I nodded, "Yes I can." I healed Tanjiro when a thought came to me, "Tanjiro? I was wondering... Would you mind if you took me with you?" Tanjiro looked shocked along with Tamayo. Yushiro was angry, "No Lady Y/n! You should stay with us!" I looked at Tanjiro, "No ma'am I wouldn't mind, but how are you going to travel with us?" I paused for a moment, "... Do you think Nezuko would mind if I rode with her in the box?" Tanjiro looked shocked but shook his head, "No I don't think she would mind." I smiled, "Then I'll go with you and Nezuko in the box as well!" Tamayo held my hand, "... Are you sure about this Y/n?" I nodded, "I'm sure we'll see each other again soon."

After giving Tamayo and Yushiro a hug goodbye, I shrunk into a child-like size and snuggled with Nezuko, "Thank you Tanjiro! I'll heal you whenever you need for now on!" Tanjiro nodded with a smile, "Thank you Ms.Y/n!" And we soon took off to the next destination.

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