Chapter 3

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TW foster
Please let me know if I missed any


I'm not special.

People always tell me I'm going to do great things, but I don't feel like doing them.

People say I'm gifted, and I'm privileged. But I wish I wasn't.

I wish I wasn't seen as the person with a perfect life.

Because it's wrong.

No matter how hard I try, I can't make that statement true.

I keep to myself, and don't talk.

It's easier that way.

"How are you Ranboo?" The teacher asked.

"Good." I mumbled.

It was a lie, but at the same time it was a reflex to say I was fine.

I took my seat, in the corner of the room closest to the window.

Head down

Don't talk

Answer when asked

It was a simple concept I followed, just don't look dumb, and don't be a show off.

People don't like stupidity, but they also don't like people who flaunt.

The easiest way to avoid conflict is to go where the river takes me. I don't fight against the current, because in the end I will just tire myself out and not succeed. Might as well let the current drag me.

○ ○ ○

The bell rang, and everyone filed out for lunch.

I picked up lunch from my locker, and walked to the stairs

I want to like it here, I want to make friends.

But it isn't worth it.

Friendship isn't worth the pain of being left, or forgotten.

It isn't worth the pain of saying goodbye.

The problem of coming to a new school is that everyone already has their factions, everyone already has friends.

And I'm alone in the middle of it.

I'm not lonely, there's a difference.

Being lonely is when you miss the feeling of another person being with you.

Being alone is when no one is around you, either physically or mentally.

I have no one to miss.

Sitting with other people in class is just my daily reminder of how different I am.

I can not function properly, and it's not the students fault.

"Welcome Ranboo, would you like an escort today?"

I shook my head, the last thing I needed was someone I had to interact with.

"He's selectively mute." Rain told the woman.

The woman nodded and stuck out a hand, "I'm Ms. Puffy."

I stared at her hand, unsure if it was safe to shake it. I looked back at Rain, as if to reassure myself that it was okay. They nodded with a reassuring smile, and I carefully took the woman's hand.

She smiled and gave me my schedule.

● ● ●

"Rain, I'm home." I called, entering the house that was supposed to be mine.

Rain poked their head out from the kitchen, their white hair pulled into a braid.

"How was school?" They asked, walking over.

"Good." I said out of habit.

They looked at me for a second, but dropped it.

It was weird to think of Rain as my parent.

I try to perk up for Rain, I'm not a very good son, but I'll do my best. "So what's for dinner?" I ask with a plastered smile.

They smile back, "Food."

Rain is my adoptive parent, even though I have seen the papers, it's hard to believe that I'm not going to leave.

They are really patient with me, and try to make light of my situation.

"I'm going to go wash up." I said, walking upstairs.


I walk down the hall, and into the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror.

I used to hate my mismatched eyes, but now I just don't pay attention to them.

I walk back down, and help Rain finish making dinner.


This took so long

I like the name Rain.

Hopefully the chapters will get longer.

Have a great day/night my friends!

You are loved 💙

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