Ivory Rhythm

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(Loosely Adapted from "Which One Is Real?" and "Halloween Prince")

We start this episode off with Captain Psycholapod. To be more specific... he's in a restaurant with unconscious people. Groans and wincing noises are heard so we know they're not dead, but it's clear that they just got their heads grabbed and butts kicked by the octopus pirate, who now sits at one of the tables drinking from a bottle.

After taking a big swig, we get flashes to two scenes from previous episodes.

First, we see Benny yelling at him with the cube mark on his forehead back in Episode 24.

Benny: We will always be connected, and I will ALWAYS BE STRONG!

Then we get footage of him slashing at Psycholapod during the last episode at the zoo while this dialogue is heard.

Benny: This zoo is off limits! May my fear defend it like fire!

Back to reality, Psycholapod finishes his bottle swig and then looks down at the bottle.

Captain Psycholapod: Tch. Well, at least you break easily.

He quickly whips his arm and throws the bottle against a wall, smashing it as we hard cut him outside, walking around slowly.

Captain Psycholapod: (burps) That hit the spot—

Suddenly, he hears shots fired.

The pirate whips his arm around and deflects two Savage Blaster shots flying right at him.

He looks forward, seeing both Jackie and Winston running up.

Jackie: Not another step!

Captain Psycholapod: Huh. Is it that time of the week?

Winston: Let's finish this quickly!

He says this quickly as they pull out their Morphers.

Jackie and Winston: Zoo Mode Go!

The two instamorph which segways us right into some Sentai fight footage. The two waste no time, attacking with their Savage Sabers rapidly and twirling them as they do just to land hits as quickly as possible. And despite their first hits being blocked or dodged, that doesn't stop them from trying to take the Captain down.

Captain Psycholapod: (trying to back up) Come on, I just ate!

The sword fighting continues, the two doing some nice, attempted strikes, including one very impressive move where, when a slash by Jackie is blocked, Winston whips his blade underneath hers, making one Saber twirl around the other right into her hands, while Winston switches positions and grabs her saber, keeping it in place so that she can try to slash Psycholapod's torso. He dodges it of course but it's a very impressive moment of choreography followed by more solid attempted hits. These moments of advantage come to an end though as Psycholapod blocks their weapons during a synchronized downward strike.

Captain Psycholapod: Pretty good!

He then hits both of them one at a time with quick blue energy slashes, followed by delivering a quick punch to Jackie, and a kick to Winston that sends him flying back a bit and makes him roll a few meters on the ground. Immediately as he stops, we see the edge of a blast from Psycholapod's belt as Jackie is blasted over to Winston's position.

Captain Psycholapod: But not good enough!

He says this as he launches multiple blasts from his belt, striking the rangers as they help each other up.

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