Whale of a Time Part 1

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(Adapted from "The Space Pirates Return")

We start this very special episode off with Captain Psycholapod once again, this time on his ship. Now given that Yaban Great was barely shown from the inside during Zyuohger, this is made up of original footage. Everything is silent say for the octopus pirate as he sits in his chair snoring like a tired man after a long day of work. Suddenly, his monitor begins to flash light blue, quickly waking him up.

Captain Psycholapod: Huh!?...Ugh. (while stretching) Computer. Put his highness on screen.

This is where we're introduced to a new character. On the screen before him as it activates, standing in front of a stone wall is...for lack of a better word, a turtle-man (Adapted from a Zyuman of the same name). He has very faded light green skin with white hair on the top of his head, as well as a mustache and beard while wearing a black robe with gold highlights to it. However, unlike the Sentai footage, his facial features are a lot more detailed and less-flat looking. He also has eyes that can blink for more expression.

Captain Psycholapod: Ah, King Kemplo! It's an "honor" and "pleasure" to see your face once again.

King Kemplo: Enough of your fake greetings. Progress report.
(He sounds like Mr. Ping from the 'Kung Fu Panda' Trilogy)

Captain Psycholapod: Great news. The Link Cube was already damaged when I found it. A lot of it is intact but a good third of it is cracked beyond repair.

King Kemplo: Ooh, excellent In that case, I take it the Zoo-Keepers are completely powerless along with their Keeper Cubes.

Captain Psycholapod: Uh...(chuckles) about that.

King Kemplo: ...They're still active!? H-Have you at least destroyed the zords!? What about the King's descendant!?

Captain Psycholapod: I'm working on it!

King Kemplo: (groans) I told you to take them out, not draw things out, you incompetent pirate!

Captain Psycholapod: Hey. You hired me for this job, you let me have my mind games. Besides, you're one to talk about wasting time on tasks...How's the battle against that Rebellion going for yah?

King Kemplo: Leave discussion of Andoria's forces out of this...I take it you haven't found the Megabeast either.

Captain Psycholapod: No, but you at least expected that to take time, right?

King Kemplo: (sigh) Fair enough...(gets an idea) W-Wait a moment. If the ranger's powers still work but the Link Cube is damaged...that can mean one of two things. Either power born from the Link Cube actually isn't reliant on it like a core...or there's something else inside the cube keeping their power alive...Try one more memory search and if that doesn't work, head back to where you found it for a closer look.

Captain Psycholapod: Uh, so what would I be looking for exactly?

King Kemplo: You'll know it when you see it. And remember Captain, your freedom depends on this.

... And then, the music cuts out while the king says THIS line.

King Kemplo: As does the future of us Zoomans.

Captain Psycholapod: (sigh) I know.

King Kemplo: Good. So, get back to work. For Zakanada.

Captain Psycholapod: Ugh, yeah, yeah, for Zakanada.

The screen call ends with the monitor returning to a view of space as the cephalopod leans back in his seat.

Captain Psycholapod: ...And of course, I'm hungry.

Power Rangers Zoo-Keepers Season 2Where stories live. Discover now