Alternate ending No. 2

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Bakugou gripped the left side of his head before falling onto the ground with a loud 'THUD'. Midoriya then ran to the window, casually dodging a bullet, before leaping out of it. He then twisted in the air, gripping onto a ledge of a window on the third floor. 

Midoriya isn't dumb. He knew there were police officers below the window. But did he expect to see Eraserhead? Nope. Did he really care? Well, yes. Eraserhead was always his favorite hero. Even after what All Might did. He considers Eraserhead to be a true hero. And he would be harder to escape then some low-life police officers.

Midoriya pulled himself onto the ledge, narrowly crouching as he glanced around at the police officers. Each had a gun pointed at him. There were two in total. Then there was Eraserhead. He would be a problem. His capture weapon can reach great distances, and isn't always easy to avoid.

"Just turn yourself in, and make all of our lives easier." The tired hero said, gripping his capture weapon. His voice was deep, and neutral sounding. You could tell he didn't really want to be dealing with this right now. It almost sounded like he was pleading with Midoriya, though he wasn't.

Midoriya flashed the Erasure hero a smile before quickly beginning to make his way across the window seals. Before he knew it, he was running away from Eraserhead on the rooftops of many buildings. 

Midoriya took a sharp left, then right, then another right, before leaping off of a roof, landing on a pile of trash bags. He then leapt to his feet, continuing to run down a maze of alleys, to throw the hero off. It wasn't working at the start, but then it did. Midoriya lost the Erasure hero in a maze of alleys after making a sharp left. The hero didn't see what direction he went, so he ran to the right to check. 

Meanwhile, Bakugou was being rushed to the hospital. He couldn't breath on his own, and he was in a coma. He also lost a lot of blood. And he was probably suffering from major head trauma.

Not long after Bakugou reached the hospital is when he met his fate. Bakugou Katsuki was dead. How ironic, really. He was killed by the person he once scared. The person who he thought he could push around. But no. Midoriya Izuku; a quirkless 'nobody'; or a 'Deku' is Bakugou's words; killed the mighty Bakugou with just a bullet to his head. 

Midoriya on the other hand had safely reached the League's base, as he escaped from the Erasure hero. He was fine, besides a few cuts from all the running, and he stumbled once. Other then that, all was well.

Midoriya finally got what he wanted. He got to kill Bakugou Katsuki. The person who started all his troubles. The person who made his life a living hell. He also got to kill Bakugou's 'friends'. Everything was going according to plan. Now; only one main person needed to die. One that the rest of the League also hates.

All Might.

Ending received: Good ending. (For Midoriya.)


It's pretty short, but it's still the good ending. 

Guess what the next chapter issssss.   If you thought of the chapter dedicated to past Midoriya being saved by the LOV, then your correct!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

Until we meet again....

Fogheart_, out.

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