Alternate ending No. 5

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Bakugou tried to dodge to bullet, but got hit in the shoulder. He hissed in pain. Midoriya smirked. It wasn't through his head, but it would work. Midoriya then found himself cornered by a police officer and what looked to be a detective.

Midoriya glanced around for an escape. There was an open window, and a open door revealing an angry Bakugou, a nervous Mitsuki.. and a green haired woman. Wait. His mother is here?! Inko Midoriya stood in the doorway, staring in horror at Midoriya. She then turned around, saying something to Mitsuki. Her expression darkened immediately. 

She then shouted something.

"WHAT THE HELL, IZUKU?!" Mitsuki shouted, bursting into the room. Midoriya couldn't help but laugh.

"What? I can't revenge on the person who made my life a living hell?" Midoriya asked, smirking. He then rushed forward, knocking the police officer off of their feet, before turnign around, kicking the detective in his stomach. He fell over, gripping it, and coughing. Midoriya then raised his gun, shooting the officer in their head. They fell limp immediately. As for the detective, Midoriya simply punched his head, knocking him out. He didn't need to die.

Midoriya looked up at Mitsuki who was now guarding Bakugou, and Inko. Bakugou glared at him before pushing Mitsuki out of the way, lighting a huge explosion aimed at Midoriya.

Midoriya quickly ducked down, and rolled across the floor to avoid the explosion before throwing his throwing knife at Bakugou. It landed right on his knee. Bakugou collasped to the ground, letting out a yelp of pain as the knife stuck through the other end of his knee.

Mitsuki rushed forward, trying to punch Midoriya. He simply ducked down, knocking her feet out from under her. He then kicked her head. She hissed in pain, slowly moving away. Midoriya turned to Bakugou, shooting him in his chest. He seemed to fall unconscious, but he was still alive.

"Izuku...." Inko said, tears rolling down her face. She took a step back as Midoriya turned to her, his expression plain.

"Good to see you again, mother." Is all Midoriya said before running to the window, jumping out of it. He then gripped onto a window seal, pulling himself up onto it. He then narrowly crouched. Eraserhead was on the ground outside of Bakugou's window, with two police officers. Midoriya cursed under his breath before running across the window seals, reaching a rooftop. Eraserhead followed close behind. 

Midoriya lead him through twists and turns until he dropped down into an alleyway, taking a sharp right, then left after. Midoriya then took cover behind a dumpster. Just in time; as Eraserhead ran past him.

Midoriya contained the laughter that threatened to sound. He then ran back to the Bakugou's apartment, hopping onto the back of the ambulance, just as it started driving. He held on for dear life. Literally.

Once the ambulance reached the hospital, Midoriya leapt off of the back of it, taking cover in a bush. He then waited for Bakugou to be taken inside before following after. He put his hood up, and a plain mask on. 

"What can I help you with?" The woman asked as Midoriya walked up to the desk.

"I am a friend of Bakugou's, and his parents want me to come see him. He was just shot by a villain." Midoriya said, using his normal voice. The woman hesitated before nodding, telling Midoriya the room number. Midoriya thanked her before running to the room number, waiting on the other end of the hallway for everyone to leave.

After about an hour, the doctors, Inko, and Mitsuki walked out of the room, as well as Tsukauchi and Eraserhead. Midoriya smirked, slowly walking to the room and opening it, sliding into the room.

"What do you want, old ha-" Bakugou started, but cut off as he saw the figure.

Midoriya raised a hand, making a shushing sound. He then walked over to Bakugou, pulling a knife out, slicing Bakugou's neck. A gurgling sound rose up before his body fell limp. His breathing slowed, then stopped.

Midoriya let out a chuckle before opening the window to the hospital, jumping out. Bakugou's room was only on the second floor, so he didn't have to worry.

Midoriya walked into the League's base. He finally did it. He got revenge on everyone who hurt him. Besides All Might. He would have to wait until the League came up with a plan.

Ending received: A well earned success.


And there's another alternate ending. 

Thanks for reading! I hope you have enjoyed this story!

Until we meet again....

Fogheart_, out.

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