Chapter 3

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Irene's heart raced, her breath quickened, and a shiver ran down her spine. Fear gripped her, tightening its icy fingers around her trembling body. She finds herself grappling with a profound sense of speechlessness, a consequence of the tumultuous events that unfolded mere moments ago.

The onlookers remained motionless, their faces devoid of any discernible emotion. It was not out of apathy or indifference, but rather a deep-rooted fear that had taken hold of their hearts.

These two men, whose presence commanded respect and trepidation, held an undeniable power within the confines of the auction house. And so, in the face of their formidable reputation, not a single soul dared to react.

The valiant individuals who gallantly saved her from the clutches of captivity, instead of succumbing to the deplorable act of purchasing her, proceeded to eliminate every single male present within the confines of the auction establishment.

They bought her and brought her along. In the stillness of the room, she remained seated, her body quivering with an overwhelming sense of dread. Their hands roamed freely, exploring every inch of her delicate form, their touch lingering with particular intensity in the most intimate recesses of her being.

Her womanhood was constantly subjected to their invasive touch, their fingers relentlessly rubbing and penetrating, causing fear to grip the young girl's heart. In the depths of her despair, she clung to the flickering hope that salvation would soon be within her grasp. Alas, fate had other plans in store for her fragile existence. Her gaze remained fixated on her lap, unyielding and unwavering.

The young girl, her countenance heavy with despair, meekly lowered her head, a silent acknowledgment of the unspeakable violation she endured at the hands of those who had purchased her.

In addition, a constant chorus of grunts accompanies their actions. She found herself in a state of uncertainty, unaware of the impending fate that awaited her in the clutches of those who now held her captive. She is acutely aware that her existence will be devoid of joy and happiness.

Positioned just aft of the chauffeur, they found themselves in the company of one of their esteemed employees. Positioned between the two, a young maiden finds herself amidst a pair of identical siblings.

"She is truly a sight to behold, my dear brother," whispered the individual beside her on the right, their voice filled with an overwhelming enthusiasm that seemed to embrace her exquisite femininity.

Irene found herself reluctant to intervene, for she harbored a deep-seated fear that doing so would inevitably result in her own lifeless body joining the ranks of the frigid corpses that adorned the auction house.

With an astute eye, the young girl possesses the remarkable ability to discern between two individuals who bear an uncanny resemblance to one another.

The individual positioned to her left was the one who tenderly applied pressure, displaying a cautious demeanor as they cradled her. There exists a certain individual whose demeanor exudes an undeniable air of eagerness that is inextricably intertwined with a propensity for violence.

"Indeed, she is Vixen. She definitely is." A low, guttural growl emanated from the figure positioned to her left, mirroring the unsettling sound that had just escaped her own lips.

The young lady delicately pressed her teeth into her lower lip in a valiant effort to stifle the tears that threatened to spill forth. She yearned to suppress any sound that could potentially provoke their ire.

She had borne witness to the events that transpired some time ago and harbored an ardent desire to prevent their recurrence, particularly when it concerned her own well-being.

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