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'just met the next english teacher' i texted aliza.

'what a hottie' i sent.

'no way. i already called dibs' she replied

'ik ik i just wanted to tell u'

i switched app and started listening to music. the bus ride home was usually boring but today i was distracted remembering what happened in the class.


"oh really? thank god i was tired of having substitutes" i laughed.

i heard him laugh too.

"well i'm glad i can fix that. i start tomorrow" he said while fixing himself on the chair.

"that's good" i said not knowing how to respond.

i never had a casual conversation with a teacher like this.

"i should go before the bus leaves" i slightly laughed making my way towards the door.

"sophia?" i heard him say.


"i hope to see you in class tomorrow" he says now fixing papers on his desk.

"i'll be here then" i giggled as i left.


i don't know why i kept thinking about what he said. i continue rewinding the moment in my head as i walked into my house.

"i'm home" i say not directed towards anyone.

"sophieee" i hear as i feel my little sister hugging my legs.

i picked her up.

"hii darla" i giggle to her .

darla is the child of my dads affair. she lives with us since her mom bailed on her and my dad . she's 3 years old and my mom still seems to hate her.

i take her to the kitchen and make food for the both of us. i spend the rest of my night doing homework and taking care of darla .

next morning

i don't know why but i got up extra early today to make sure i looked nice for .. nevermind . but i curled my hair , did my makeup more than usual . wore a nice shirt that was a bit flashy on the chest and a short skirt. i made sure my body was soft and smooth, my hair was nice, my makeup looked smooth.

i don't know why. i never even thought about doing this for miles. i'm scared.

i got into first period and for some reason it seemed to take forever. it's only 45 minutes long but it seemed like hours. every 5 minutes i would check myself on my camera.

'can't wait to see the hottie teacher' sent my aliza

'lol shut up' i turned off my phone .

after class ended i headed straight to the bathroom. i stayed there for about 10 minutes checking myself in the mirror. i ended up being late to the class.

i walked in and everyone was already there.

"your late" his voice sounded cold .

"sorry i was just busy" i said sheepishly.

he walked out of his desk and was standing in front of me.

"too busy to come to class on time?" he asked looking me straight in the eyes.

i couldn't respond . i was frozen.

"i gave everyone assigned seats, here's yours. sit." he said coldly.

my new seat was in front of his desk but there was a row of seats infront of his desk so it didn't look like anyone suspicious but mine was just directly across from where he sits.

for some reason i felt like i wanted to cry. i was in trouble. i always seemed to cry when i was in trouble since i was kid. i hate it so much it makes me feel stupid.

'what a dick' aliza texted me.

'fr' i replied.

he introduced himself. his name is ryle anderson. he was 25, has no wife or kids. i liked the sound of his name ryle anderson.

"students now these years don't know classic books. true literature." mr anderson said as he walked back and fourth in front of the chalkboard.

"can anyone list a classic book? no harry potter shit" he continued.

the class laughed at the fact that he had cussed.

someone raised their hand.

"yes , what's your name?" mr anderson asked.

"brianna" she said in a flirty tone.

"yes brianna you said you could name one?" he asked her in a flirty way too.

no one else noticed how he was being flirty towards her. but i did .

"romeo and juliette" she said smiling .

"your right but that's too easy" he said moving away from her. his tone sounded almost annoyed .

"yes sophia?" he looked at me.

i didn't even notice my hand was up. holy shit this is bad.

"um lolita" i said kinda quiet.

"sophia i can't hear you from here i'll need for you to speak up" he said almost with a smirk on his face.

"lolita" i said louder. maybe a little too loud.

i just heard aliza laugh at me.

"ah lolita. a classic indeed. personally i think it's a .. very good book" he said as he walked back to his desk.

'he seems to hate you' aliza texted.

i was responding until i felt my my phone being snatched from my hands. i look up and mr anderson has my phone in his hands.

shit. i was texting aliza , my phones unlocked, he has it , if he reads the messages he will read where we talked about him.

"first you come late and now your on your phone in front of me during my lesson" he said coldly.

"i-i'm sorry" i say reaching for my phone but he just moved his hand.

"stay after class to get this back" he said as he walked towards his desk with my phone still unlocked.

shit shit shit shit . it's all i thought . he can't read the messages.

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