Chapter 5

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How was it the weekend already? Tweek sighed, throwing a random outfit into a backpack, his mind moving faster than his legs.

His parents had surprisingly said yes to him having a sleepover, and deep down inside he was a little disappointed. Don't get him wrong, of course he wanted to have a sleepover with Craig, Tolkien and Clyde but that other part of him was scared that he'd make a fool of himself so badly he couldn't come back from it.

He was scared. But then, when wasn't he?

He sighed again, quickly running to the bathroom and grabbing his toothbrush, putting it in a little plastic bag and concealing it tight in one of the pockets of his backpack. Once he'd decided everything was good, he zipped up his bag and stood up for only a moment before flopping down on his bed.

His eyes had only been closed for a few seconds when his phone chimed. He cracked one of his eyes open as he pulled his phone up to look. His heart did a little somersault in his chest at the name on his screen and he mentally kicked himself. He hadn't known this boy for long yet here he was giving him butterflies, which alone was fucking crazy.

Craig: Hey! You still on for the sleepover tonight?

Tweek smiled, neither Tolkien or Clyde had texted him to ask that, so the thought that maybe Craig had been thinking about him, even just a little made his stomach flip. He sat up, typing back a quick reply.

Tweek: of course! i still can't believe my parents let me.

Craig: Why is that so surprising?

Tweek sighed. Should he tell him? Maybe not over text, that'd be a little strange, especially for something so heavy.

Tweek: maybe i can tell you in person? it's just—a lot to take in over a text.

Craig: Yeah, of course! So, see you later?

Again, he smiled, warmth spilling through his chest.

Tweek: you bet :)

For the rest of the day until said sleepover, Tweek paced around the house, put a movie on that he wasn't really paying attention to and made food he didn't really want to eat. He was doing practically anything to take his mind off the nerves, and even when he was doing the most, his mind always wandered back to how the night might go.

What if he did embarrass himself? What if he embarrasses himself because he's thinking he'll embarrass himself? He was making his own head spin, and he shoved a fresh cupcake he had just made into his mouth, kicking at the floor.

He sat down on the couch, turning off the movie he was watching to channel surf, he couldn't watch the film halfway through without knowing what was going on, it'd just drive him mad and because of his extreme hyperactivity earlier, he didn't have enough time to restart it.

He heard the front door open and close behind him, and knowing this was the time his Mom got home from work, he didn't look, just welcomed her back while mindlessly flipping through channels.

"Have you packed up for your sleepover tonight, sweetie?"

"Yeah, now I'm just trying to kill some time until I have to leave." He said, looking over his shoulder to offer his Mom a smile, hoping his nervousness wasn't clear. He didn't want her or his Dad to think they'd made the wrong choice. He could do this, he knew he could.

"Are you excited to see Craig?" She asked, a certain tone in her voice that Tweek didn't recognize. Almost teasing, and not in a mean way, but in a happy way. What? He fully turned around and as he suspected, she was smiling broadly, and his brow furrowed.

Tweek x Craig - When fate brings two hearts togetherWhere stories live. Discover now