42. Ring

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"Is everything alright?," asked Natasha as soon as Riddhima entered the hospital. Riddhima looked puzzled and then looked at Rajveer who squeezed her hand. She swatted his hand away, she didn't want such gestures in her work place. "Yeah. Why?" "You had three days sick leave, Sir told me," Natasha gestured at Rajveer. "Oh! I just caught viral fever. I am all well now." Rajveer left the girls to walk towards the lift.

"Get these tests done and repeat these exercises. I will also recommend you to visit an orthopaedist also." Riddhima gave the file to her patient back. Her patient glanced at the bulky man behind her in the cabin and left. "You can stop scaring people. I don't need you here. There is enough security in the hospital. Leave!" "Sorry mam. It's boss's order." Riddhima closed her eyes in exasperation. "Your Boss...." Riddhima muttered under her breath. She decided to call Karan during lunch break and sighed as her next patient entered.

"Hmm... She is staying at Karan Singh's penthouse. Did you find the reason? He may be using Riddhima against me and she won't be having any idea." Aangre sat on the chair opposite to Vansh and placed a few snaps in front of him. "No, boss. I don't think so. There are a lot of new addition at Karan's penthouse. This lady was caretaker in her orphanage. Bhab... Riddhima and Sejal took her to walk a few days ago." "Our spies?" Aangre nodded his head in negative. "Karan has changed the entire staff. I think he had a whiff about our spies as well."

Vansh got up from his chair and slipped the snaps into paper shredder. "I will have to talk to Riddhima and maybe Karan too." "Boss...." On seeing Aangre's hesitance, Vansh said ,"You can say your opinion Aangre, you are family."
"Boss, I don't think Riddhima will want any further interference. I agree that you want to ensure her safety, but....in reality she is not your wife anymore and I think.... I think she has moved on with somebody else." Vansh's face immediately turned to his direction,"What do you mean?" "When our men were following her, I have got information of her being with someone.... I have...."

"Who?" "I have not asked to find out more information about him, as you had asked to keep tabs on her daily activities only." "Is Ahana's matter cleared?" "Yes boss. No evidences. No witnesses. She has no family also, so the case is closed." Vansh rotated his chair in frustration and left his office. He will have to meet her soon, they have still not talked to each other properly. I don't love you anymore. He remembered her words. No, it can't be.

"Di, do you like paintings?" Sara asked Sejal who was busy in admiring the interior designing of the penthouse. "Huh? Yes!" "We have a room full of paintings. Do you want to see?" Sejal tore her gaze away from the intricate designs on the wall. "Why not?"

They climbed up the stairs to enter a large hall. Sunlight was pouring in the hall from all windows on either side of the wall. In between the windows, the walls were covered in beautiful paintings of women, kings,landscapes and patterns. The rosy gold chandeliers along, hanging from the adorned ceiling, were so beautiful that Sejal didn't mind bending her neck for half an hour looking at them. She concluded that the room will look awfully beautiful at night when all the nights will be on. There were canvasses lying near the walls at one side of the room and Sejal went to inspect them. "Don't," she heard Sara speak. She frowned and looked at her. "Bhai doesn't like his unfinished paintings to be seen."

"Oh..... Are these all your bhai's paintings."
"Apart from the ones on the walls and these paintings, yes," Sara pointed at a group of paintings in the further section of the hall.
"Nevermind, thank you for bringing me here. This is the most beautiful thing.... place, I have ever seen." Sara smiled at Sejal.

"Sara, don't you have your college exams in few days?" Sara turned behind towards her brother who was scowling at them. "I have done it already!" She tipped her chin at him. Sejal didn't bother to turn to look at him. She was rather fascinated by the nude painting in front of her.
"You.... Let me take your test then."
"I have studied everything, it's not fair, you ask too much difficult questions," Sara whined at her brother. "If you have studied everything, then you...." "Bye! I am going," Sara threw an apologetic smile at Sejal who nodded in assurance and ran past her brother.

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